Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance – September 2018

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.4. Measurement, Exceptions, And Variations of Intensity and Dimensional Standards 11.4.1. Measurement


11.4.1. Measurement

A. Net Lot Area

Net lot area shall be determined by measuring the total horizontal land area (in acres or square feet) within the lot lines of the zoning lot, excluding public street rights-of-way. For purposes of determining net density, any part of the net lot area dedicated as recreation area, park, greenway, or other public open space in conjunction with a development approval in accordance with this Ordinance shall continue to be considered part of the net lot area of the zoning lot.

(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015) B. Lot Width

Lot width shall be determined by measuring the distance along a line delineating the minimum front setback applicable to the lot, between its intersections with the side lot lines, or for corner lots, between a corner side lot line and the opposite side lot line. (See Figure 11.4.1.B: Lot Dimensions.) C. Net Density (Dwelling Units per Acre) Net density (expressed as dwelling units per acre) shall be determined by dividing the total number of dwelling units located or proposed on a lot by the net lot area (see subsection A above). If net lot area is measured in square feet, that result shall be multiplied by 43,560. For purposes of determining maximum net density, an accessory apartment shall not count as a dwelling unit. Maximum net density standards apply only to development comprised of dwelling uses (e.g., household living uses). For a mixed-use development containing dwelling units and nonresidential or non-dwelling principal uses, net density shall be determined by dividing the total number of dwelling units located or proposed on the lot by that portion of the net lot area allocated to the dwelling uses (and not allocated to nonresidential or non-dwelling uses). D. Floor Area Ratio Floor area ratio shall be determined by measuring the gross floor area (in square feet) devoted to nonresidential and non-dwelling uses on all floors of all buildings located or proposed on a lot by the net lot area (in square feet) (see subsection A above). Figure 11.4.1.B: Lot Dimensions.

September 25, 2018

Morrisville, NC

Page 11-10

Unified Development Ordinance

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