Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance – September 2018
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations
T REE , S TREET Any shade tree placed in a street right-of-way.
T REE , U NDERSTORY An evergreen or deciduous tree whose mature height for its species can be expected to not exceed 25 feet. These are ideal for planting in streetscapes where overhead power lines would necessitate unsightly pruning. T RIP A single travel movement with either the origin or destination of the trip inside the study area of the Transportation Impact Analysis.
T RIP G ENERATION The total number of trip ends produced by a specific land use or activity. T RIP G ENERATION S TUDY A study designed to measure the purpose and movement of vehicular traffic.
T RIPS , I NTERNAL Trips that are made within a multi-use or mixed-use development, by vehicle or by an alternate mode such as walking or bicycling. T RIPS , N EW Trips, minus pass-by trips, minus internal trips if applicable; generated from the proposed development. T RIPS , P ASS -B Y Vehicle trips which are made by traffic already using the adjacent roadway and entering the site as an intermediate stop on the way to another destination. T RUCK , L ARGE -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has two or more rear axles or is designed and used for drawing a trailer. T RUCK , M EDIUM -S IZED A motor vehicle designed or used to carry goods or materials that has only two axles and is not designed or used for drawing a trailer. T URF ( OR T URF G RASS ) Any of various spreading grasses grown to form a continuous carpet of grass whose roots tightly bind the layer of soil beneath it. Turf grass endures and typically requires regular mowing.
T YPE 1 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.1, Type 1 Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure. T YPE 2 S UBDIVISION P RELIMINARY P LAT A PPROVAL See Section 2.5.6.B.2, Type 2 Subdivision Preliminary Plat Approval Procedure.
U RGENT C ARE F ACILITY A facility that provides urgent care medical service outside normal physician office hours or before a physician appointment is available, but with no provision for overnight or continuing care on an inpatient basis. This use does not include hospitals or medical/dental offices.
September 25, 2018
Morrisville, NC
Page 11-84
Unified Development Ordinance
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