Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2020

incorporated in the PD Plan/Agreement in accordance with Section 3.7.1.E.5, Conversion Schedule. Allowed uses shall be consistent with Town plans and the purpose of the particular type of PD district, and subject to applicable use-specific standards in Article 4: Use Standards, and any additional limitations or requirements applicable to the particular type of PD district. Densities/Intensities The densities for residential development and the intensities for nonresidential development applicable in each development area of a PD district shall be as established in the PD Plan/Agreement, and shall be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, other adopted special area and Town plans, and the purpose of the particular type of PD district. Dimensional Standards The dimensional standards applicable in each development area of a PD district shall be as established in the PD Plan/Agreement, and shall be consistent with the purpose of the particular type of PD district. The PD Plan/Agreement shall include at least the following types of dimensional standards, unless the PD Plan/Agreement expressly states otherwise:



a. Maximum net density and/or maximum floor area ratio;

b. Minimum net lot area;


Minimum lot width;

d. Maximum lot coverage;


Maximum structure height;


Maximum individual building size;

g. Minimum and maximum setbacks; and

h. Minimum setbacks from abutting residential development or residential zoning districts.

(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015)

10. Development Standards All development in a PD district shall comply with the standards of Article 5: Development Standards, or any modifications of those standards established in the PD Plan/Agreement as consistent with Town plans. 11. Riparian Buffer and Stormwater Management Standards All development in a PD district shall comply with the standards of Article 6: Riparian Buffers, and Article 7: Stormwater Management, that are in place at the time of Construction Plan application acceptance (see Section 2.5.8, Construction Plan Approval). 12. Modifications and Amendments to Approved PD Plan/Agreement Minor modifications of an approved PD Plan/Agreement may occur in accordance with Section 2.5.3.C.7.c, Minor Modifications of Approved PD Plan/Agreement Allowed. Any other modification shall require an amendment of the PD Plan/Agreement in accordance with the procedures for its original approval.

Morrisville, NC

September 1, 2020

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 3-53

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