Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2020

5. Promoting quality design and environmentally sensitive development that respects surrounding established land use character and respects and takes advantage of a site’s natural and man- made features, such as trees, wetlands, floodplains, and historic features. B. Classification of Planned Development Districts Land shall be classified into a PD district only in accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 2.5.3, Rezoning, and this section. C. Relationship to Existing Planned Development Districts Lands designated PD District on July 1, 2014 are subject to the standards and conditions included within the previously adopted master plans, development agreements, and other requirements related to their approval. These developments may proceed subject to their original approvals in accordance with Section 1.6, Transitional Provisions. If the PD district authorization expires, or a modification other than a minor modification of the district is proposed, the provisions in this Ordinance shall apply. D. Organization of Planned Development Zoning District Regulations Section 3.7.1.E, General Standards for All Planned Development Districts, sets out general standards applicable to all types of PD districts. The following sections set out, for each type of PD district, a purpose statement, a list of the types of intensity and dimensional standards to be applied as part of the PD Plan/Agreement, and references to applicable use, development, and environmental standards. E. General Standards for All Planned Development Districts Before approving a PD zoning district classification, the Town Council shall find that the application for the PD zoning district classification, as well as the PD Plan/Agreement included as part of the application, comply with the following standards: b. Identify the general location of individual development areas, identified by land use(s) and/or development density or intensity; c. Identify for the entire PD district and each development area the acreage, types and mix of land uses, number of residential units (by use type), nonresidential floor area (by use type), residential density, and nonresidential intensity; d. Identify the general location, amount, and type (whether designated for active or passive recreation) of open space; e. Identify the location of environmentally sensitive lands, existing tree canopy coverage to be retained, existing tree canopy coverage to be removed and any associated mitigation, wildlife habitat, and waterway corridors; f. Identify the on-site transportation circulation system, including the general location of all public streets, existing or projected transit corridors, and pedestrian and bicycle pathways, and how they will connect to existing and planned Town and regional systems; h. Identify the general location of on-site potable water and wastewater facilities, and how they will connect to existing and planned Town systems; i. Identify the general location of on-site storm drainage facilities, and how they will connect to existing and planned Town systems; j. Identify the general location of all other on-site public facilities serving the development, including but not limited to parks, schools, and facilities for fire protection, police protection, EMS, stormwater management, and solid waste management; 1. PD Plan/Agreement The PD Plan/Agreement shall: a. Include a statement of planning objectives for the district; g. Include a Transportation Impact Analysis in accordance with Section 5.8.6.B;

Morrisville, NC

September 1, 2020

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 3-51

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