Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2020

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

T ECHNICALLY I MPRACTICABLE Incapable of being put into practice with the available means or impossible to carry out with current technology. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A MATEUR H AM R ADIO A NTENNA Any tower used for amateur radio transmissions consistent with the “Complete FCC U.S. Amateur Part 97 Rules and Regulations” for amateur radio towers. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A LTERNATIVE S TRUCTURE A structure that is not primarily constructed for holding antennas but on which one (1) or more antennas may be mounted, which includes, but is not limited to, buildings, flagpoles, utility distribution poles, church steeples, and transmission tower structures. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A NTI -C LIMBING D EVICE A piece or pieces of equipment, which are either attached to a tower or support structure, which are freestanding and are designed to prevent people from climbing the structure, including fine mesh wrap around structure legs, “squirrel-cones,” and other approved devices, but excluding the use of barbed or razor wire. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A NTENNA Any apparatus designed for the transmitting and/or receiving of electromagnetic waves, including telephonic, radio or television communications. Types of elements include omni-directional (whip) antennas, sectionalized (panel) antennas, multi or single bay (FM & TV), yagi, or parabolic (dish) antennas. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A NTENNA A RRAY A single or group of antenna elements and associated mounting hardware, transmission lines, or other appurtenances which share a common attachment device such as a mounting frame or mounting support structure for the sole purpose of transmitting or receiving electromagnetic waves.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , A NTENNA E LEMENT Any antenna or antenna array.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , A REA - R ESIDENTIAL A land use in which housing predominates, as opposed to nonresidential areas. Housing may vary significantly between, and through, residential areas. These include single-family housing, multifamily residential, or mobile homes. T ELECOMMUNICATION , A REA - N ONRESIDENTIAL A nonresidential area is real estate primarily intended for use by for-profit businesses, such as office complexes, shopping malls, automobile service stations and restaurants.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , ASR The Antenna Structure Registration Number as required by the FAA and FCC.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , B ASE S TATION The electronic equipment utilized by the wireless providers for the transmission and reception of radio signals.

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2019

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-75

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