Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2020

Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.2. Exceptions and Variations

T ELECOMMUNICATION , DAS W IRED H UB Ancillary equipment usually contained in a shelter or other enclosure which does not have any wireless transmission or receive equipment contained therein but is utilized in the deployment and operation of wireless DAS receive/transmit infrastructure that is located elsewhere. T ELECOMMUNICATION , D EVELOPMENT A REA The vicinity occupied by telecommunication facilities including inside or under a support structure’s framework, equipment cabinets, ancillary structures, and access driveway. T ELECOMMUNICATION , D ISCONTINUED U SE (A BANDONMENT ) Any tower without any mounted transmitting and/or receiving antennas in continued use for a period of 180 consecutive days.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , D UAL -F UNCTION T OWER Antenna mounted atop telecommunication facilities that runs up the middle of an existing transmission tower structure as opposed mounted atop the transmission tower structure (see graphic to the right).

T ELECOMMUNICATION , ANSI EIA/TIA 222 STANDARDS Telecommunications Industry Association and Electronics Industries Association Standard 222 (Structural Standard for Antenna Support Structures and Antennas). T ELECOMMUNICATION , E QUIPMENT C OMPOUNDS The fenced-in area surrounding or near the base of a wireless support structure. Allowable equipment within the compound include that necessary to operate the antenna on the structure and that is above the FEMA established base flood elevation including cabinets, shelters, pedestals, backup generators and other similar structures. Equipment compounds shall be non-habitable. T ELECOMMUNICATION , E QUIPMENT C ABINET OR S HELTER Any structure above the FEMA established base flood elevation including cabinets, shelters, pedestals, and other similar structures and used exclusively to contain radio or other equipment necessary for the transmission or reception of wireless telecommunication signals.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , FAA The Federal Aviation Administration or its duly designated and authorized successor agency.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , F ACILITY /F ACILITIES Any unstaffed location for the transmission and/or reception of radio frequency signals or other wireless telecommunications, and usually consisting of an antenna or group of antennas, feed cables, equipment cabinets or shelter, generator, and may include a tower. The following developments shall be deemed telecommunication facilities: new, mitigated, or existing towers, public towers, replacement towers, collocation on existing towers, attached wireless telecommunications facilities, concealed wireless telecommunication facilities, and non-concealed wireless telecommunication facilities.

T ELECOMMUNICATION , FCC The Federal Communications Commission or its duly designated and authorized successor agency.

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2019

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 11-78

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