Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2023.2
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
S ERVICE E STABLISHMENT , P ERSONAL A business primarily engaged in the provision of frequent or recurrent needed services of a personal nature that are not medically related. This use includes, but is not limited to, travel agencies, drycleaners, laundries, tailors, hair stylists, cosmeticians, toning or tanning salons, nail care stores, clothing rental establishments, postal stations, package delivery drop-off and pick-up stations, photocopy centers, shoe repair shops, appliance and electronics repair shops, interior design studios, and dance and martial art studios. A personal care establishment does not include an adult establishment.
S ETBACK The shortest horizontal distance from a lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a structure on the lot.
S ETBACK L INE A line delineating the minimum front, corner side, side, or rear yard setback applicable to a lot — as measured from, and running parallel to, the associated front, corner side, side, or rear lot line. S ETBACK , C ORNER S IDE The shortest horizontal distance from the corner side lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , F RONT Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the front lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , I NTERIOR S IDE Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the side lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , R EAR Y ARD The shortest horizontal distance from the rear lot line of a lot to the nearest point of a principal structure on the lot. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED C ORNER S IDE Y ARD All land area between the corner side lot line and the corner side setback line that lies between the lot’s front setback area and its rear lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED F RONT Y ARD All land area between the front lot line and the front setback line that lies between the lot’s side lot lines, or in the case of a corner lot, between a side lot line and the opposite corner side lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED R EAR Y ARD All land area between the rear lot line and the rear setback line that lies between the lot’s interior side lot lines, or in the case of a corner lot, between an interior side lot line and the opposite street side lot line. S ETBACK , R EQUIRED S IDE Y ARD All land area between a side lot line and the side setback line that lies between the lot’s front setback area and its rear setback area.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-68
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