Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance - September 2023.2
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
S TATE The State of North Carolina.
S TOCKPILING OF M ATERIALS The acceptance, collection, or stockpiling of more than 25 cubic yards of dirt, fill, gravel from off-site sources.
S TONE Concreted earthy or mineral matter; rock.
S TONECUTTING /M ONUMENT S ALES Manufacturing establishments primarily engaged in cutting, shaping, and finishing marble, granite, slate, and other stone for building and miscellaneous uses. This use also includes establishments primarily engaged in buying or selling partially finished monuments and tombstones. S TOP W ORK O RDER An order issued by a Town official that directs the person responsible for a development activity or other act in violation of this Ordinance to cease and desist such activity or act.
S TORAGE OF P ETROLEUM P RODUCTS The use of tanks, both above and underground, to store petroleum based products.
S TORAGE S HED An uninhabitable accessory structure used or designed to be used for provide shelter for or storage of materials, or as a small workshop. Storage sheds may be enclosed or open and may be attached to a principal building or exist as a detached structure.
S TORMWATER Any flow resulting from, and occurring during or following, any form of natural precipitation.
S TORMWATER C ONVEYANCE Any feature, natural, or manmade, that collects and transports stormwater, including but not limited to roads with drainage systems, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, channels, pipes, culverts, storm drains, and any other feature or structure designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater.
S TORMWATER S YSTEM All engineered stormwater controls owned or controlled by a person that drains to the same outfall, along with the conveyances between those controls. A system may be made up of one or more stormwater controls.
S TREAM A body of concentrated flowing water in a natural low area or natural channel on the land surface.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 11-74
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