Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_ September 2023
Use Standards
a. Irrespective of the use standards applicable in the underlying base district, or in any other applicable overlay district, certain uses shall be prohibited in the Gateway Overlay (GO) District, as indicated in the use table in Article 4: Use Standards.
3. Multi-family Standards.
In order to ensure that a mix of residential and non-residential uses are distributed throughout the Gateway Overlay (GO) that promote live, work, and play, and promote the creation of a pedestrian friendly environment as called for in the Comprehensive Plan, developments which contain multi-family dwellings shall meet the following standards. a. Developments which contain multi-family dwellings shall not be located within 1,500 feet from another approved multi-family development unless separated by a major throughfare, minor thoroughfare, or a collector street. The required minimum distance shall be measured from the nearest property line of one multi-family development to the nearest property line of the newly proposed multi-family development. b. Developments which contain multi-family dwellings and front a major thoroughfare, minor thoroughfare, or collector street must dedicate fifty (50) percent of the total length of the ground floor facing said streets for uses allowed in the BAC District and identified in the Principal Use Table’s Use Category as one of the following: Health Care, Eating and Drinking Establishment, Entertainment, Retail Sales and Service, Visitor Accommodation. Additionally, the Use Types of Micro-brewery, Brewery, Micro-winery, or Winery are permitted. c. Developments which contain multi-family dwellings located only on upper floors of vertically mixed use developments may be closer than 1,500 feet, but shall not be closer than 1,000 feet.
4. Access
No curb cuts shall be permitted between the building and adjacent streets.
5. Other Standards.
a. Loading docks shall not face a major or minor thoroughfare, or a residential development
b. Drive-through establishments shall be limited to one (1), 12 foot drive-thru lane between the building and adjacent streets.
Figure 3.8.4.C.3.c: Single, 12-ft drive-through lane concealed by 3-ft opaque stone or masonry wall.
Morrisville, NC
June 13, 2023
Unified Development Ordinance
Page 3-60
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