Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_ September 2023

Article 4: Use Standards Section 4.2. Principal Uses 4.2.5. Principal Use-Specific Standards

(10) All relocation costs associated with any relocation of the DAS Node necessitated by roadway or sidewalk improvements shall be borne by the applicant.

g. Distributed Antennae System (DAS) Wired Hub

DAS Wired Hubs are subject to the following:

(1) Setbacks

Setbacks shall equal 100 percent of the length of the longest side of the DAS Wired Hub compound area (width or length) For example, if the longest side of the DAS Wired Hub compound area equals 30 feet, then the required setback equals 30 feet on all sides. Setbacks are measured as follows:

(A) From the property line(s) to the equipment compound area fence.

(B) From the road right-of-way line to the equipment compound area fence.

(C) When adjacent to railroad right-of-way, the underlying zoning setback shall prevail.

(2) Screening

DAS Wired Hub facilities and equipment shall be hidden and/or screened from public view by one or more of the following techniques:


Locate equipment within a building

The building shall be designed to be consistent with the prevailing architectural style of the neighborhood in which it is located, including exterior materials and roof pitch. The enclosure shall not exceed one story, unless location in a flood plain or other drainage concerns requires it to be elevated. (B) Locate equipment behind a secured, fenced area with a landscaped perimeter An evergreen landscape buffer shall surround the perimeter of the DAS Wired Hub per the buffer requirements identified in Section 4.2.5.D.4.g(8) below .


Roof-top equipment

DAS Wi red Hub equipment shall be screened from public view in a manner that is consistent with the architectural style of the building upon which the DAS Wired Hub is located.

(3) DAS Wired Hub Compound Area

The DAS Wired Hub compound area shall not be used for the storage of any excess equipment or hazardous materials. Outdoor storage yards shall be prohibited within a compound area.

(4) Equipment cabinets and shelters

Cabinets and shelters shall not be visible from pedestrian and vehicular right-of-way views. Cabinets may be provided within the principal building, behind a screen on a rooftop, or on the ground within the fenced-in and screened DAS Wired Hub compound area.

(5) Fencing

The DAS Wired Hub compound area shall be enclosed with an opaque black vinyl-coated fence or wall with an access gate to minimize opportunities for unauthorized access, climbing, vandalism, graffiti and other conditions that would result in hazardous conditions, visual blight and attractive nuisances. The fence or wall shall be no less than the above

Morrisville, NC

September 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 4-24

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