Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance_ September 2023

Article 2: Administration Section 2.4. Standard Review Procedures 2.4.4. Staff Review and Action

G. Application Revisions

1. An applicant may revise a development application for any of the following reasons.

a. To address deficiencies provided as part of the staff review (see Section 2.4.4.B, Staff Review and Opportunity for Application Revision), b. To make limited changes that directly respond to specific requests or suggestions made by a reviewing board or staff in response to a reviewing board, as long as they constitute only minor additions, deletions, or corrections and do not include substantive changes to the development proposed in the application. Such changes shall only occur after requesting and receiving permission from the Planning and Zoning Board (see Section 2.4.6.C, Revision of Application) or Town Council (see Section 2.4.7.D, Revision of Application) after such board has reviewed, but not yet taken action on the application. Additional application fees to defray the additional costs of processing the revised application may be required; or c. To have the application reviewed under a new rule or ordinance change that went into effect after the applicant received a written notice of application submittal acceptance, but prior to receiving a written decision on the application. This revision option is limited to application types listed below, and additional application fees to defray the additional costs of processing the revised application may be required.

(1) Section 2.5.6, Subdivision Approvals;

(2) Section 2.5.8, Construction Plan Approval;

(3) Section 2.5.9, Floodplain Development Permit;

(4) Section 2.5.10, Riparian Buffer Development Review; and

(5) Section 2.5.11, Stormwater Management Permit.

2. Any other revisions to a development application may be submitted at any time during the review procedure, but the original application shall be withdrawn and the revised application shall be submitted and reviewed as a new application. 3. The revised application submittal may be subject to additional application fees to defray the additional costs of processing the revised application. H. Application Withdrawal After an application has been accepted for review, the applicant may withdraw the application at any time by submitting a letter of withdrawal to the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, but the application fee shall not be refunded.

(Ord. No. 2015-002, 04/29/2015; Ord. No. 2016-001, 05/10/2016)

Staff Review and Action


A. Referral of Application to Development Review Committee, Staff, and Review Agencies If a development application is subject to review and comment by the Development Review Committee (see Table 2.3, Summary Table of Development Review Procedures), the Planning Director shall refer the application to Development Review Committee members for review and comments. In all other cases, the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall refer the application to those Town staff members and review agencies deemed appropriate for review and comment on the application (which may include the Development Review Committee).

B. Staff Review and Opportunity for Application Revision

1. Before preparing a staff report or making a decision on a development application, the Planning Director or Town Engineer, as appropriate, shall review the application, relevant support material,

Morrisville, NC

June 13, 2023

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 2-14

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