Morrisville Unified Development Ordinance

Article 5: Development Standards Section 5.4. Tree Protection 5.4.4. Tree Canopy Retention and Protection

Single-family attached, group living, and multi-family development. Tree canopy cover is the percentage of a development site (excluding proposed street rights-of-way, existing and proposed utility easements, and natural water surface areas) that is covered by existing tree canopy before development or land disturbing activity. The retained, protected, or newly established tree canopy must follow the priority retention order list.

1. Retained, protected, or established tree canopy shall meet the following dimensional standards:

a. No tree canopy area shall measure less than 1,600 square feet in size.

b. No tree canopy area shall measure less than 20’ in width at its narrowest point.

2. Development sites which do not contain the required percentage of tree canopy shall establish new tree canopy, providing 5% additional tree canopy or up to the required tree canopy percentage as identified in 5.4.4.A.

a. The new tree canopy shall follow the priority order found in Table 5.4.4.A.

b. The new tree canopy shall be provided in the quantity as identified in

B. Priority Retention Areas Priority areas for retention of existing tree canopy cover shall include the retention areas identified in Table 5.4.4.A, Priority Retention Areas, listed in priority order. The existing tree canopy cover retained may include a combination of the areas listed below, but; shall include all the highest priority areas, then all of the next highest priority areas, and so forth until the minimum percentage is met.

Morrisville, NC

October 1, 2021

Unified Development Ordinance

Page 5-7

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