Morrisville Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan - 2013
Wireless Telecommunication Facilities Master Plan - Town of Morrisville, NC – Adopted July 23, 2013
Procedure CityScape conducted an assessment of the existing antenna locations throughout the Town by driving to all locations. Data for the assessments was obtained from a number of sources including actual permits obtained from the Town for wireless infrastructure, research of FCC registered site locations, direct information from existing wireless service providers and tower owners active in the Town, the Town’s GIS, and through actual site visits to each location. Inventory catalogue existing antenna(s) and towers Pictures of existing antennas mounted on towers and rooftops are included in the inventory catalogue. Existing antenna site locations are identified numerically in Figure 1. Structural evaluation Based on a visual inspection of antenna arrays already on existing antenna support structures, CityScape has made a judgment as to whether each support structure is likely to physically accommodate more antennas. The number of estimated collocations is referenced as future antenna collocation possibilities. The suggested collocation is based on visual observations only. In this consideration, adding antennas equates to adding another wireless antenna platform consisting of several antennas and associated heavy coaxial cable. Prior to mounting new antennas and related equipment, the structure must be examined and analyzed by a structural engineer for its ability to support the proposed addition. Town-owned land Figure 2 identifies the Town-owned property that could be used for future telecommunications facilities. The site location, site information and preferable options for new wireless infrastructure as determined by the citizenry through the public meeting process is provided for each site. Site photographs Photographs of the exiting towers and Town-owned inventories are provided for the sites.
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