Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
TABLE 6-2 Summary of Existing Local Programs Stormwater Program UDO 7
The Town renewed its Phase II Stormwater permit in November 2011, and adopted a new Stormwater Management Ordinance in February 2012. The Phase II program regulates discharges of stormwater to surface waters, requires control of TSS, fecal coliform, and nutrients town-wide, includes an illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE) program, and promotes public education and participation regarding stormwater issues. In 2012, the Town also established a stormwater utility. The Town’s stormwater program also includes components to address the Jordan Rules and applies the development requirements for nitrogen and phosphorus loading levels across the entire Town. The Town implements the Jordan rules applying to new development and buffers throughout the Town’s jurisdiction. The stormwater program includes provisions to control runoff rates and volume, including the use of discharge control facilities in new developments that limit post- development runoff to pre-development rates for the 1, 2, and 10-year design storms and set runoff volume drawdown requirements for new development. BMPs must safely pass the 100 year storm and treat the runoff from the first 1.5 inches of rain. Requirements of the program include: operation and maintenance agreements, performance and maintenance guarantees, annual maintenance inspection reporting, and inspections by the Town’s Stormwater Inspector. The Town contracts a street sweeper 4 to 6 times per year. Open space requirements apply to both residential and non-residential land uses, ranging from 5 to 20%, depending on the land use type and district.
Open Space UDO 5.5
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