Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
significant open space areas, including an historic Civil War battlefield and a “village green” or gathering place. In 2013, the Town developed a McCrimmon Transit small area plan that proposes a future activity center focused on transit service, linked with pedestrian walkways, concentrating on higher-density, mixed-use integrated with central public open space and parks. 6.2.2 Open Space Preservation The Town has several programs to preserve open space. These include setting priorities for open space through the Town’s UDO as well as the Comprehensive Greenway Plan. These initiatives are described in greater detail below. The land use plans discussed above also serve to protect open space. Unified Development Ordinance In 2014, the Town adopted its UDO. Through the UDO, the Town’s Board of Adjustments and Planning and Zoning Board are established to enforce the ordinance and direct future community development and growth. Some of the purposes of the ordinance include: Prevent the overcrowding of land (not exceed amount supported by infrastructure) Avoid undue concentration of population Facilitate the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks, and other public requirements Article 3 of the UDO defines 20 districts, within 6 base zoning districts, and 3 overlay districts for the Town. A zoning map was adopted as part of the UDO and is included in Appendix D. The ordinance is enforceable in the incorporated boundaries of the Town and in the ETJ of the Town. New construction, the continuation of existing conforming uses, and the continuation of non-conforming uses are subject to the provisions of the ordinance. Some of the residential use districts defined by the Town encourage infill development to prevent sprawl and allow for innovation, such as cluster development, in the arrangement of buildings. The use districts defined in the ordinance that are designed to aid in the preservation and protection of the natural environment are as presented in Table 6-4.
TABLE 6-4 Town of Morrisville Use Districts Defined by UDO Article 3 Use District Code
Conservation/Buffer District
To protect and preserve park lands, open spaces, floodplains, scenic areas and historic sites, watersheds, and water supplies; to conserve fish and wildlife; and to promote forestry and grazing lands. To protect and preserve agricultural lands for the performance of agricultural function. Suitable for medium-density development that could infill in established areas; allows for innovation in the arrangement of buildings. Developments cannot interfere with or damage environmentally sensitive lands, and adequate open space must be located in or near the district. To allow for the development of retail operations for residential neighborhoods to reduce travel for errands and lessen air quality impacts.
Very Low Density Residential
Medium Density Residential
Neighborhood Activity Center & Business Activity Center
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