Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
To ensure the continued function of stormwater BMPs, Section 7.4 of the UDO specifies performance securities for stormwater BMPs. An installation performance security deposit is required, equal to the total estimated construction cost, plus 50 percent. A maintenance performance security is also required, equal to 30 percent of the total estimated construction cost. The Town recently developed and adopted a new Engineering, Design, and Construction Manual (EDCM) containing updated stormwater quantity and quality measures. The EDCM also provides clarifications of the BMP manual. 6.2.5 Stormwater Programs The Town is only 9.8 square miles and is surrounded by the airport, RTP, and the Town of Cary, so it has limited potential to expand beyond its current ETJ. Given the proximity of the Town to employment opportunities in RTP and access to the airport, the Town has planned for higher-density development in much of its Planning Area. The Town has developed a stormwater management program to control the rate of stormwater runoff from high-density areas. The Town’s stormwater program is administered by its Engineering Department. The staff is charged with upholding the local, State, and Federal regulations related to stormwater. These legal requirements include: Floodplain Management WSW Protection NPDES Phase II Stormwater Regulations Neuse River Basin Buffer Rules Jordan Lake Buffer & Stormwater Rules The Town has assumed responsibility for administering the BMP program for quality from NCDENR. On February 28, 2012, the Town Council approved a stormwater funding resolution that gave the ability to establish a stormwater utility fee for developed property containing impervious surface within the Town. The fees collected will assist in the costs involved in administering the stormwater program. Stormwater Regulations In January 2012, the Town adopted a new Stormwater Management Ordinance, which substantially expanded the Town’s stormwater management efforts. This ordinance is summarized in Article 7 of the Town’s UDO. The ordinance establishes minimum requirements and procedures to control the adverse effects of stormwater runoff associated with increased development. The ordinance also prohibits any person from developing land without having proper stormwater control measures in place. The ordinance effectively implements the Jordan Lake rules for new development throughout the entire Town. The minimum requirements of the ordinance include that developers must also meet all other State and federal rules. Stormwater BMPs must be implemented to control and treat the runoff volume generated from 1.5 inches of rainfall. In addition, pre- and post-development peak runoff rates must be equivalent for the 1-year, 24-hour; 2-year, 24-hour; and 10-year, 24-hour storms.
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