Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
Retention of existing trees and shrubs within required buffer areas, unless a plan is approved to replace all or part of the existing vegetation Requirement for a letter of credit or certified check in an amount equal to 150 percent of the cost of the planting and a signed statement from the developer to ensure compliance Imposition of fines on the property owner if required landscaping is not complete within the allotted timeframe Requirements for landscaping areas to be stabilized to prevent soil erosion Requirements for protective fencing to be placed around trees that will not be disturbed before development The UDO includes minimum tree requirements for developments in Section 5.4, as well as requirements for retaining existing tree canopy, which varies inversely with the percentage of existing tree canopy. In addition, other types of vegetation are required by this ordinance. The Town provides specifications for planting in vehicle use areas, such as parking lots. For example, for interior vehicle use areas, every parking space will be located within 50 feet from the trunk of a shade tree. In addition, to provide spatial separation between differing uses, the Town requires buffers. While buffers provide aesthetic screens between land uses, they also can reduce noise and air pollution, prevent soil erosion, and slow and filter stormwater. To assist developers in selecting vegetation that is hardy and suitable for the area, the Town includes recommendations regarding the types of trees and shrubs that developers should plant to meet these requirements.
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