Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
allowing more flexibility in development design. This results in faster permitting, and provides an incentive for development near planned high-density areas, as defined in the 2035 Land Use Plan. Stream buffers, required open space in subdivisions along with clustered development, landscape buffers between different land uses, park lands, and greenways will limit the impacts to open space. A public open space requirement is part of the UDO, as described in Section 6. While open space, such as forests, will still be lost to development, the impacts will be minimized by these efforts. 7.4 Wetlands Impacts to wetlands will be minimized by stream buffers, floodplain development limitations, and other development controls as well as State and Federal regulations. As described in Section 4.4, the majority of wetlands are located in riparian areas. While some wetland loss still occurs with permitting, the Town requires that all Federal and State wetland permits be obtained prior to final site approval. Overall SCI to wetlands in the Planning Area will be minimized by limiting or prohibiting construction and fill within 50 feet of the stream, as required by the stream buffer regulations in the UDO. 7.5 Prime or Unique Agricultural Land The Town has no active farms, so impacts to agricultural land will be minimal. Agricultural land is allowed as a land use within the very low-density residential zoning category. However, as development occurs, prime farmland soils with potential for farming will be lost. The Town encourages development within its Town Center and Activity Center Districts by allowing more flexibility in development design. This results in faster permitting, and provides an incentive for development near planned high-density areas defined on the Land Use Plan. By encouraging development in these areas, preservation of prime farmland soils is promoted. 7.6 Public Lands and Scenic, Recreational, and State Natural Areas With the continued implementation of the Town’s Parks and Recreation Master Plan, 2035 Land Use Plan, and UDO, scenic areas, open space, and parks will be a high priority for the Town, providing mitigation for losses of open space as the Town grows. These planned greenways and additions to the park system will provide recreational opportunities and wildlife habitat. Lands adjacent to Lake Crabtree are also planned for preservation, protecting large areas of scenic and recreational areas. 7.7 Areas of Archaeological or Historical Value The Town has three properties on the NRHP: the Morrisville Christian Church, the Williamson Page house, and the James M. Pugh House; the Town has taken steps to preserve these sites. The Town has proactively relocated the James M. Pugh House, as well as two historic tobacco barns, to prevent potential impact. Other historical areas may be impacted directly by future projects, but indirect impacts are unlikely. Other measures that will mitigate impacts include the Town’s Historic Crossroads Village zoning district, which will further protect areas of historical value. The Town Center Plan, developed in 2007,
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