Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
TABLE 7-1 Areas of Potential Impacts to be Addressed by Permitting and Mitigation Programs
Potential for SCI
Types of SCIs
Environmental Resource
Surface Water Resources PI
UDO - Stormwater Programs - Sanitary Sewer Installation – stream crossings with directional borings - Water Conservation - Riparian Buffers and Floodplain Protection – no residential development or fill in floodplain Land Use Plans and open space preservation Parks and Recreation Master Plan Erosion and Sediment Control Program administered by Wake County Land use planning UDO - Open Space Preservation - Riparian Buffers and Floodplain Protection – allow for natural infiltration - Stormwater Programs, including promotion of LID Water Conservation Programs Land Use Planning - encourage development in Town Center and growth corridors, as well as tree and urban forest preservation Parks and Recreation Master Plan UDO - Conservation/Buffer District – promotes preservation of forest resources - Open Space Preservation Riparian Buffers and Floodplain Protection
Water quality degradation; increase in stormwater runoff and sedimentation Alteration of natural hydrograph (e.g., magnitude, timing, frequency, duration, rate of change); lower and more frequent low-flow conditions; alteration of channel morphology
Possible reduction in groundwater inflow that provides baseflow in streams and supports aquatic life during droughts Reduction in use for private drinking water; potential to become contaminated
Groundwater Resources
Forest Resources
Conversion to other uses Reduction in air quality; increase in near- surface air temperature; habitat fragmentation
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