Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
SECTION 8 References
Arcadis G&M of North Carolina, Inc. 2003. Indirect and Cumulative Assessment: Western Wake Freeway, TIP No. R-2635, Wake, Chatham, and Durham Counties, North Carolina. Prepared for NC Department of Transportation. CDM. 2013. Reclaimed Water Master Plan. Prepared for the Town of Cary. CDM. 2003. Wake County Comprehensive Groundwater Investigation Final Report. Prepared for Wake County, North Carolina. CDM and Hazen & Sawyer. 2004. Western Wake County Regional Wastewater Treatment Studies Project: Phase I. CH2M HILL and Brown and Caldwell. 2013. Long Range Water Resources Master Plan. Prepared for the Towns of Cary, Apex, and Morrisville, North Carolina. CH2M HILL. 2009. Town of Cary Water System Distribution Master Plan. Prepared for Town of Cary, North Carolina. CH2M HILL. 2002a. Final Technical Memorandum: Planning Level Water Quality Assessment for Town of Cary Northwest Planning Area. CH2M HILL. 2002b. Wake County Watershed Assessment – Biological, Habitat, and Geomorphologic Evaluations, Technical Memorandum No. 6. Raleigh, North Carolina. Federal Emergency Management Agency. 2006. Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Accessed January 2014. Hazen and Sawyer. 2013. Town of Cary Wastewater Collection System Master Plan. HNTB North Carolina, PC. 2003. Qualitative Indirect and Cumulative Effects Assessment: North Wake Expressway, TIP R-2000A, Wake/Durham County, North Carolina. Prepared for NC Department of Transportation, Office of Human Environment. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. 2003. Raleigh-Durham International Airport: Runway 5R-23L Safety Area Extension: Final Environmental Assessment. Louis Berger Group. 2009a. Morrisville Transportation Plan: 2009-2035. Louis Berger Group. 2009b. Morrisville Land Use Plan: 2009-2035. National Park Service (NPS). 2014. National Register of Historic Places. Accessed January 2014. North Carolina Gap Analysis Program (NCGAP), McKerrow, A.J., S.G. Williams, J.A. Collazo. 2006. The North Carolina Gap Analysis Project: Final Report. North Carolina Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina.
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