Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
NCWRC. 2013a. Gamelands GIS coverage for December 2013. Provided by Vann Stancil on December 4th, 2013. NCWRC. 2013b. North Carolina’s White-nose Syndrome Surveillance and Response Plan. December, 2013. Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR). 2012. SEHSR Corridor from Washington, DC to Charlotte, NC. Project History. Accessed January, 2014. Stantec. 2013. Kit Creek Watershed Assessment prepared for the Town of Morrisville. Town of Cary. 2 0 14a . 2013 Annual Report on Interbasin Transfers for RTP South and the Towns of Cary, Apex, and Morrisville. Submitted April 2014. Town of Cary. 2014b. CAWTF Phase III Expansion EA. P-Ph3.htm. Accessed January 2014. Town of Cary. 2014c . FISCAL YEAR 2014 RATES AND FEES. Accessed January, 2014. Town of Cary. 2013. GIS. Provided by Town of Cary staff. November, 2013. Town of Morrisville. 2014 Draft Sustainability Master Plan. Town of Morrisville. 2013. McCrimmon Transit Plan. Town of Morrisville. 2012. Population Projections: Certified Estimates of Population Growth provided by the State Demographer. Town of Morrisville. 2011. Comprehensive Parks and Recreation Master Plan. July 26, 2011. Town of Morrisville. 2010. Hazard Mitigation Plan. Town of Morrisville. 2007. Town Center Plan. Triangle J Council of Governments (TJCOGG). 2014. Triangle Transportation Demand Management Program Description. management-program.aspx . Accessed January 31, 2014. Triangle Clean Cities Coalition (TCCC). 2010. information.aspx. Accessed January 2014. U.S. Census Bureau. 2010. Census 2010 Population Finder. Accessed January 2014. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). 1970. Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina. U.S. Government Printing Office. Washington, DC. U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA). May 1998. Important Farmlands of North Carolina. Natural Resource Conservation Service. Raleigh, North Carolina.
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