Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
TABLE ES-1 Areas of Potential Impacts to be Addressed by Permitting and Mitigation Programs Environmental Resource Potential for SCI Types of SCIs
Land Use
Conversion of agricultural and forested land uses to other developed land uses Redevelopment to higher density land uses
UDO - Open Space Preservation
- Riparian Buffers and Floodplain Protection – restricts development in riparian buffer zones and prohibits nearly all floodplain encroachment - Stormwater Programs Land Use Plans to encourage development around Town
Center and Activity Center Districts Parks and Recreation Master Plan
Loss through development; subsequent loss of habitat and habitat fragmentation, reduction in genetic diversity, and loss of attenuation of flow Loss of wetland function through pollutant loading
Wetland Protection through CWA Section 404 and Section 401 UDO - Open Space Preservation - Stormwater Programs to reduce pollutant loads and limit stormwater impacts to wetlands - Riparian Buffers and Floodplain Protection Land Use Plans to set aside natural open space and encourages development around Town Center, selected corridors, and mixed-use developments Parks and Recreation Master Plan Erosion and Sediment Control Program, administered by Wake County Land use planning – Note no agriculture activity at this time Supports regional farms by encouraging demand for products through the Western Wake Farmers Market.
Conversion to other uses
Prime or Unique Agricultural Land
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