Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
SECTION 3 Purpose of and Need for Proposed Infrastructure
The purpose of and need for proposed infrastructure is a function of the Town of Morrisville’s commitment to its residents. The Town wants to ensure that its infrastructure plans are commensurate with the projected population of given sections within the Planning Area. The three main infrastructure elements are wastewater, water, and transportation. The projects in each area are evaluated against the goals of the Town.
In 2006, the Town completed a water and wastewater system utility merger with the Town of Cary. To ensure an orderly expansion of the utility system, the Town will follow the Town of Cary’s Standard Specifications and Details Manual for water and wastewater infrastructure. The Town of Morrisville has developed an Engineering Design Construction Manual to guide expansion of the Town’s stormwater infrastructure and development process. To ensure that adequate future capacity exists at the proper locations, the Town has developed a Land Use Plan that serves as the basis for infrastructure planning (Louis Berger Group, 2009a). The Town’s land use planning is described in Sections 5 and 6. The Town grew rapidly in the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s, but growth has slowed in recent years. The population was estimated to be 251 in 1980, 5,208 in 2000, and 18,576 in 2010 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2010). Population
TABLE 3-1 Town of Morrisville Population Projections Year Population 2012 20, 164 1 2014 22,260 2
25,540 1 28,200 1 30,530 1 32,100 1 33,560 1 34,580 1
1 State Demographer Certified Estimate as of July 1, 2012 2 Town of Morrisville Planning Department
projections shown in Table 3-1 include about 34,580 residents by the year 2045. The population projections presented in Table 3-1 are for the Planning Area and correspond with the Town’s land use plan and the Planning Department projections which are based on State Demographers Certified Estimates (Town of Morrisville, 2012). To best meet the needs of residents, protect the environment, and conduct these efforts in a cost- effective way, the Town of Morrisville is working with the Town of Cary in implementing a long-range vision for the region. This effort will give the Town a measure with which to guide development and infrastructure improvements in coordination with its land use planning, described in Sections 5 and 6. The Town integrates its transportation and land use plan with its other planning processes. By integrating its growth management strategies, land use planning strategies, and transportation plans, and coordinating infrastructure planning with the Town of Cary, the Town is able to preserve important ecological areas in the form of open space; ensure that its residents have adequate recreational resources; and meet water, wastewater, and transportation demands. In addition, proper planning helps ensure that Jordan Lake drinking water quality is protected.
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