Secondary and Cumulative Impacts Master Management Plan - 2014
Within the Cape Fear River basin, the major tributary is Kit Creek (Table 4-5 and Figure 4-1). Kit Creek drains to Northeast Creek before it enters Jordan Lake, which is the Town’s water supply and a highly used recreational area. The headwaters of Kit Creek are just within the Planning Area, and are classified as Class C waters. Outside the Planning Area, near NC 55 the stream changes to WS-IV (water supply) classification. WS-IV designated areas have development density limits, mandates related to best management practices (BMPs), and landfill construction limitations. Approximately one percent of the Town’s Planning Area lies within a water supply watershed (WSW) (NCDENR, 2012a). In 2013, the Town had an assessment performed for Kit Creek watershed. Streams, buffers, and outfalls were evaluated , in order to determine potential mitigation opportunities. The stream assessment found that in general streams were in stable condition with low bank erosion, but some reaches are incised with indications of sediment deposition and poor water quality and aquatic habitat. The buffer assessment indicated that a majority of the buffers were 50 feet wide. In general, ivasive species were observed in upland utility line right of ways. Twelve of the 38 outfalls evaluated were classified as being in poord condition due to active erosion, unstable chanel conditions, headcutting and undercut outlet structures (Stantec, 2013).
TABLE 4-5 Planning Area Watersheds
EMC Subbasin
EMC Water Quality Classification
River Basin
Watershed Description
Neuse River
Crabtree Creek
Tributaries include Coles Branch and Stirrup Iron Creek. Kit Creek discharges to Northeast Creek before it enters Jordan Lake.
Kit Creek
Cape Fear River
Source: NCDENR, 2012a; Secondary Recreation
Within the Neuse River Basin, benthic macroinvertebrate communities are sampled to analyze water quality and habitat conditions at one site within the Planning Area. Crabtree Creek is sampled at NC 54 near the border of the Planning Area with Cary. At this site, the benthic macroinvertebrate community rating was “Poor” in 1995, 2000, and 2005. The low rating resulted from many factors affecting habitat, including sediment loading and siltation, low dissolved oxygen (DO) levels, and high conductivity (NCDENR, 2012b). In addition, the North Carolina Department of Water Resources (NCDWR) may perform biological monitoring at other locations periodically, within the Town's Planning Area on the basin rotation schedule. No benthic macroinvertebrate community sampling locations are present within the Cape Fear River basin in Wake County (NCDENR, 2004). Also, there are no fish community sampling sites in the Planning Area (NCDENR, 2005 and 2012b). 303 (d) Listed Streams Section 303(d) of the CWA requires that states develop a list of waters not meeting water quality standards or that have impaired uses. The State must prioritize these water bodies and prepare a management strategy or total maximum daily load (TMDL).
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