Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
4.2 Goals and Policies, cont’d
Policy 2C: Provide a system of interconnecting greenways and natural corridors that link parks, natural areas, and open space, as well as residential and non-residential destina- tions. Policy 2D: Clearly communicate the character of development that is encouraged in the Town, including land use, design and development standards, utility extensions, and transportation needs/design. Policy 2E: Promote lifecycle housing options that allow residents to continue to live in our community even as their needs change over time. Transportation and Land Use Integration Goal 3: Improve transportation mobility by integrating land uses with transportation infra- structure. Policy 3A: Establish development patterns supportive of a walkable, multi-modal community, including higher-density residential development and complementary land uses in the Town Center and around planned and potential transit and activity centers. Policy 3B: Actively encourage pedestrian-oriented development through site design, build- ing orientation, interconnected parking facilities, and streetscape improvements. Policy 3C: Encourage infill and redevelopment of existing areas as a way to promote com- pact, efficient development, and support transportation options. Policy 3D: Provide a variety of recreational opportunities connected to residential areas and places of employment by streets, greenways, sidewalks, and bicycle facilities that protect and enhance sensitive environmental areas. Policy 3E: Encourage interconnected street patterns in new development and redevelop- ment that promote effective circulation of car, transit, bicycle, and foot traffic. Policy 3F: Ensure that transit provisions, such as turn-outs, shelters, right-of-way, and good pe- destrian connections are accommodated. Policy 3G: Consider acquiring control of streets within the Town where it is fiscally prudent to expand the opportunities available for designing and creating travelways that complement and support adjacent land uses. Community Facilities and Services Goal 4: Provide community services and public infrastructure to maintain and enhance the quality of life for Town citizens of today; the elderly that have enriched our past, and future generations. Policy 4A: Incorporate an understanding of the tax revenue and fee benefits of potential new development in land use decisions; ensure that these benefits are balanced against the infrastructure and service costs needed to serve various kinds of new development and redevelopment. Policy 4B: Encourage building and site design that conserves water and energy; reduces wastewater; reduces future infrastructure costs; and lengthens the lifespan of exist- ing and future infrastructure. Policy 4C: Ensure that Morrisville has adequate resources and prepared responses for poten- tial natural or man-made emergencies, such as evacuation plans and hazard re- sponse programs. Policy 4D: Provide excellence in educational opportunities that are accessible to all citizens, including convenient access to libraries, schools, and other institutional and cultural arts facilities that serve as community focal points, as well as sponsoring unique educational opportunities for citizens of all ages. Policy 4E: Provide parks, recreation and cultural opportunities for citizens of all ages. Cooperation and Coordination Goal 5: Foster a collaborative environment internally and with relevant local, regional, state, and federal partners to develop new opportunities for Morrisville’s residents and business community. Policy 5A: Encourage cooperation/coordination with other governments and agencies to ensure that sufficient land areas are retained for future needs of schools, parks, greenways, streets and other public purposes. Policy 5B: Consider the consolidation of services and sharing of expenses with other agencies and surrounding communities, including mutual agreements for fire, transit, and police services. Policy 5C: Work closely with and take into consideration other local government and regional plans when making day-to-day and long-term land use and transportation deci- sions. Policy 5D: Take a lead in creating a joint development review process that describes how Morrisville and neighboring entities can review and comment on developments along the borders of the Town and their anticipated impact to services and facili- ties. Policy 5E: Continue to create meaningful public involvement opportunities in town govern- ment programs and processes that are responsive to public input. Policy 5F: Ensure the availability of information and the transparency of town government actions and functions.
Day at the Park, 2006.
Civil War Re-Encampment, March 15, 2008.
4 Policy Direction
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