Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
5.4 Bicycle and Pedestrian Network, cont’d Figure 5.18 Major Bicycle/Pedestrian Recommendations (numbers in parentheses refer to numbers marked on Figure 5.17) Project Description Cost
Imple- mented Town / Private
Bicycle Lanes and Multi-Use Paths on Church Street South of McCrimmon Park- way
Construct four-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths (both sides) on Church Street between Morrisville-Carpenter Road and Mc- Crimmon Parkway *
Church Street serves elementary schools as well as a primary north-south alternative to the congested NC 54 facility. Essential to enhancing this recommendation is providing consistent streetscaping and lighting along this corridor as it develops. Aviation Parkway Bicycle Lanes and Multi- Use Paths Construct six-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths (both sides) from NC 54 to Lake Crabtree causeway. * Private / Town This roadway connects the Town Center area to businesses, Wake County Lake Crabtree Park, and regional bicycle systems. Important to this recommendation is the continuation of bicycle facilities across the causeway (in Cary jurisdiction), terminating at Lake Crabtree Park. Multi-use paths on the north side of Aviation Parkway are the most critical.
Greenway connection between Indian Creek Greenway and Crabtree Crossing Parkway
Construct off-road 10-foot ribbon asphalt greenway, including foot bridge over Crabtree Creek and boardwalk over wetlands
$420,000 Private/ Town
In lieu of constructing Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension, a greenway will connect from the southern end of the existing Indian Creek Greenway (Town Hall Drive and Morrisville-Carpenter Road) to the northern end of Crabtree Crossing Parkway. This greenway will provide bicycle and pedestrian access to the town center and schools for residents living in the southern end of the town.
Greenway connections east of Community Park, leading to Cedar Fork County Park
Construct off-road 10-foot ribbon asphalt greenway
$1,026,000 Private / Town
HIGH PRIORITY There are currently trails within Community Park and within Cedar Fork County Park. Some greenway connections are being constructed within the Savannah subdivision, but other connections are necessary to effectively connect the parks. In addition, this item is dependent on a pedestrian crossing under the railroad and NC 54 for pedestrians to reach Cedar Fork County Park. Pedestrian crossing for greenway to Cedar Fork County Park (6) Perform grading and trail work, possibly a grade separation $44,000 Private / Town In order to safely connect greenways on the west side of NC 54 to Cedar Fork County Park, a pedestrian crossing is necessary. It is possible that this could be achieved underneath the railroad and NC 54, using the existing culverts, but more work may be necessary for pedestrians to cross safely. Greenway connection from McCrimmon Parkway to Providence Place Construct off-road 10-foot ribbon asphalt greenway $290,000 Private / Town The Indian Creek greenway, constructed in 2008-2009, will end at Town Hall Drive and McCrimmon Parkway. Greenway easements are included in developments under construction at Providence Place and Shiloh Grove. A greenway would be needed to connect these parts to the Indian Creek greenway, through the Future Town Park and Town Hall Commons. An existing power line easement will be used. This connection will provide a continuous north-south alternate route to NC 54 for commuters, as well as connecting the heavily-populated Kit Creek and RTP offices to the downtown and other links in the system. Obviously, the recommendation for bicycle lanes at the south end of Church Street is a key, supporting item. Bicycle Lanes and Multi-Use Paths on Morrisville-Carpenter Road Construct four-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths (some five-foot sidewalk already exists) on Morrisville-Carpenter Road from NC 54 to Davis Drive. * Town / State Cyclists will need to merge with traffic at the NC 54 intersection on the east end, but the remainder of this corridor will connect the Town Center area to the east with one of two grocery and shopping centers in Morrisville on the west end. Other key recommendations that sup- port this are (A) the Church Street bicycle lanes and (B) the bicycle lanes on Aviation Parkway. Bicycle Lanes and Multi-Use Paths on Air- port Boulevard Construct six-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths on Air- port Boulevard between Factory Shops Road and NC 54. * Town / State This section of bicycle lanes completes the envisioned “loop” of facilities that includes Davis Drive; Morrisville-Carpenter Road; Aviation Parkway; and McCrimmon Parkway Extension. This particular segment connects the schools on Town Hall Drive, future Town Park, residential development, and McCrimmon Corners on the west end of the project with the Davis Drive multi-use path (and RTP to the north). Restripe Morrisville Parkway, Perimeter Park Drive and Paramount Parkway Restripe existing pavement on Morrisville Parkway for bike lanes, restripe existing pavement on Perimeter Park Drive and Paramount Parkway for wide outside lanes. ** Town / State These three roadways are already four lanes and have a low probability of roadway widening/improvements in the near future. None cur- rently has any on-road bicycle facilities, but the Town can restripe the existing pavement (without widening) at relatively low cost for bike lanes (Morrisville Parkway) and wide outside lanes (Perimeter Park Drive and Paramount Parkway). Coordinate with Town of Cary for bike/ped facilities on Lake Crabtree Causeway Coordinate with the Town of Cary to continue appropriate bike/ped facilities from the town boundary on Aviation Parkway to Lake Crab- tree County Park. State The Town of Cary currently plans to expand Aviation Parkway in its jurisdiction to six-lanes with a median. Town of Morrisville staff should co- ordinate with Town of Cary staff to ensure consistency and appropriate timing of construction of bike/ped facilities along Aviation Parkway to allow safe access for Morrisville residents to Lake Crabtree County Park. * These improvements would likely occur during the planned roadway widening, so their cost is included in the roadway improvement cost listed in Figure 5.6. ** Restriping would be done by NCDOT on Morrisville Parkway at no cost to the Town. Costs for restriping along Perimeter Park Drive and Paramount Parkway would be the Town’s responsibility. Note that this is not a complete list of proposed facilities. Some proposed facilities shown on Figure 5.17 would occur during the construction or widening of a roadway, such as Louis Stephens Drive, Slater Road, Carrington Mill Boulevard, International Drive, and sidewalks and wide outside lanes on other proposed roads. MEDIUM PRIORITY The additional width of these bike lanes here will help provide a level of comfort and safety in this heavily-traveled corridor with a moderate number of driveway breaks. Anchored by businesses on the west end and shopping/hotels/restaurants on the north end, this recommenda- tion connects strongly to the recommendation to improve the Slater Road and Factory Shops Road intersections with Airport Boulevard. Bicycle Lanes and Sidewalks on NC 54 Construct six-foot bicycle lanes, ten-foot walkway along the east side, and five-foot sidewalk along the west side of NC 54 in Morrisville. * Town / State These facilities will be constructed as part of the widening of NC 54, which is planned to occur in segments. See page 26 and page E-17 in the appendices for more information about the phasing of NC 54 improvements. Bicycle Lanes and Multi-Use Paths on Church Street North of McCrimmon Park- way Construct four-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths (both sides) on Church Street from McCrimmon Parkway to the town bound- ary. * Town / State LOW PRIORITY Bicycle Lanes and Multi-Use Paths on Mc- Crimmon Parkway, NC 54 to Old Maynard Road/Louis Stephens Drive Construct four-foot bicycle lanes and eight-foot multi-use paths (where they do not already exist) on McCrimmon Parkway from NC 54 to Old Maynard Road/Louis Stephens Drive. * State / Town / Cary
5 Recommendations
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