Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
7.0 A ction I tems With any long-range and comprehensive plan, the need is paramount for a set of specific strategies to take a community from its current state to its desired future. Seen at a glance, the combined Transportation and Land Use Plans that have been developed have a con- siderable amount of information. However, when broken down into discrete parts, the Plans become more manageable, more real to the staff and citizens. The following action items describe short-term (3 years or less, shown in green ), longer-term (longer than 3 years, shown in blue ), and ongoing (shown in orange ) strategies that the Town and its partnering agencies can undertake to realize the goals and policies stated in the Plans. Year One Goals/Activities refer to the first year that the item is to be implement- ed, regardless of what year that is. Years shown are calendar, rather than fiscal, years. The reader is encouraged to refer to the complete listing of Goals and Policy Statements in Section Four to provide additional clarity on the intent of these action items.
Action Items 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035 Goal 1: Ensure a diverse development pattern that sustains livability and the environment by encouraging future development and public infrastructure that is complementary with existing development.
1.1 Amend Zoning Ordinance. Ensure that current zoning district descriptions are compatible with the general intent of the land use districts in the plan. Incorporate zoning categories for small-scale mixed use and transit oriented development. Note that this does not imply rezoning properties to match the land uses in this plan - only ensuring that matching zoning categories exist to allow rezoning upon a property owner’s request. This is a short-term solution; development of the Unified Development Ordinance in item 1.4 is the long term solution for amending the zoning ordinance.
Related Policies: 1A, 1B, 1D, 1E, 2A, 2D, 2E, 3A-E, 5A-F Estimated Cost: 100 hours staff time + $10,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities: Staff review of zoning ordinance and land use plan. Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Propose amendment to zoning ordinance as soon as possible Performance Measures: Completed amendment in 2010 1.2 Update Language for Traffic Impact Analyses
Related Policies: 1A, 1B, 1C, 2C, 3A, 3B, 3D, 3E, 3F, 3G Estimated Cost: 120 hours staff time + $5,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
(TIA). TIAs are intended to ensure that traffic generated from a proposed development is appropriate to the transportation infrastructure. Recommendations should include bicycle, pedestrian, and roadway improvements, including adjacent connections to facilities near schools and parks.
Year One Goals/Activities : Identify weaknesses in current TIA policy; recommend changes; acquire adoption by Boards Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None
Performance Measures: Completed amendment in 2011 1.3 Maintain and Enhance GIS System. Maintain the data on development impacts created for the plan updates in Synchro and CommunityViz models, and identify additional data to be acquired. This practice will assist in analyzing impacts of development proposals, to ensure consistency with the Plans.
Related Policies: 1A Estimated Cost: 40 hours staff time annually Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Transfer files from consultant and ensure that Planning staff understand how they can be used. Identify additional data to be acquired as well as metadata protocols to ensure long-term understanding of the data structures Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Continue updating and enhancing the system Performance Measures: None, but the program should be adjusted as new data becomes available
1.4 Create Unified Development Ordinance. This ordinance revision will allow for important updates and clarification of existing codes, making it easier for developers to understand the Town’s needs. It will provide an opportunity to formalize the future land use map presented in this Plan. In particular, the UDO will take a focused look at the design of Regional Activity Centers and address compatibility with and transitions to surrounding uses.
Related Policies: 1A-F, 2A-E, 3A-G, 4A-E, 5A-F Estimated Cost: 500 hours staff time + $110,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Develop and approve scope of services, including specific target areas for modification; Retain consultant Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Develop and adopt new ordinance; create educational seminar for developers to explain the changes in the development ordinance components Performance Measures: (1) Retain consultant in 2009; (2) gather input from at least 50 stakeholders on the draft ordinance
1.5 Develop Specific Plans for Redevelopment of Koppers (former Superfund) Site. This site has an excellent location in Morrisville and holds potential to be an asset to the community. Creating clear options for how it could be redeveloped, as well as reaching out to developers, would hasten reaching the potential of this central property. A Plan should include how transit oriented development might be used to redevelop the site. Related to Item 3.17.
Related Policies: 1A, 1B, 1E, 2A, 2B, 2D, 3A, 3C, 4A-E, 5B, 5C Estimated Cost: 40 hours staff time + $75,000 consulting fees Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce
Year One Goals/Activities : Retain development consultant, create, and approve action plan for marketing Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Implement action plan Performance Measures: (1) Retain consultant in 2012; (2) Implement action plan in 2013
7 Action Items
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