Transportation Plan - 2009, amended
Public Comment Themes Throughout the public involvement process of workshops, focus groups, surveys, and Plan Advisory Committee meetings, there were common themes to many of the comments received. The table below describes each theme of comments and how it has been addressed in the Plans (in gray under each comment). To see the original comments re- ceived, please contact the Planning Department for a CD-ROM containing minutes and summaries of all of the public meetings. A ppendix C. H ow T hese P lans W ere C reated , cont ’ d
General Comment Public PAC Details Bicycling Opportunities
The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 meeting.
Numerous bicycling accommodations are suggested in the Transportation Plan, including some type of on-road facility for nearly all of the roadway improvements and prioritized greenway (off- road) projects. Traffic Congestion (General) The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 meeting. A variety of roadway capacity improvements, grade separations, and intersection improvements are proposed throughout the Town, with most major and minor thoroughfares being widened to at least four lanes of traffic (Davis Drive and NC 54).
Key to Public/PAC Comments = Light (PAC: 0-2 Members; Public: 5-10 Comments) = Moderate (PAC: 3-4 Members; Public: 11-20 Comments) = Heavy (PAC: 5-6 Members; Public: 21-30 Comments) = Greatest (PAC: > 6 Members; Public: > 30 Comments)
NC 54 Traffic Congestion
The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 and 4.21.2008 meetings; the public identified this issue at the 1.31.2008 public workshop, through the strings-and- ribbons exercise (3.27.2008), and survey responses as the premier transportation issue in the Town.
The recommendations for this roadway have been made in several segments. Sections with four lanes and planted median: North of NC 540 to boundary with Durham, McCrimmon Parkway to Sunset Avenue, Keybridge Drive to Cary Parkway. Section with four lanes and no median: Sunset Avenue to Keybridge Drive (to avoid impacts to existing buildings in the Town Center). Section with six lanes: South of Cary Parkway to boundary with Cary. The section between NC 540 and McCrimmon Parkway will initially be four lanes with a planted median but may be expanded to six lanes in the future if a Traffic Impact Analysis or NC 54 Corridor Study recommend expansion and the Town Council agrees. In addition, smaller improvements at intersections and along NC 54 will facilitate traffic flow. Grade separations are proposed at Airport Boulevard, McCrimmon Parkway, Carrington Mill Boulevard and Morrisville Parkway.
Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension
The PAC discussed this issue at the 4.21.2008 and 5.20.2008 PAC meetings, with members of the public speaking on the project at the 5.20.2008 PAC meeting. The public also commented favorably (2 of 9 groups) on this proposed project during the 3.27.2008 Public Work- shop.
This roadway was initially proposed as a 2-lane roadway with bike lanes and sidewalks, along with traffic calming features to prevent cut-through traffic. In response to citizen concerns about traffic impacts to neighborhoods along Crabtree Crossing Parkway south of the proposed extension, it was removed from the 2009 Transportation Plan. See Appendix G in the Transportation Plan for more information. Roadway Maintenance The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 meeting. This issue was only lightly discussed after the first two PAC meetings, and the public rarely cited this as an issue. However, maintenance will be an ongoing issue and is important to maintain clear bi- cycle lanes as well as maintain traffic flow. Most streets are under the ownership of NCDOT, which uses state and federal monies to do basic maintenance activities (shoulder repair, crack sealing, resurfacing, etc). Transportation Connectivity The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 meeting; the public noted the issue at 1.31.2008 and 3.27.2008 Public Workshops. East-west connectivity and north-south capacity are significant issues that were stated several dif- ferent ways. Connections between Aviation and Airport as well as across NC 54 were cited during the 3.27.2008 Public Workshop, for example, and have been recommended. Improving connec- tivity is one strategy to improve traffic congestion on major road, such as NC 54, which received many comments from the public. Sustainability The PAC cited this as an issue during their 10.16.2007 and meeting. The issue of sustainability is addressed by several recommendations for policy changes, particular- ly those addressing stormwater runoff and energy efficient building practices. Bicycle and pedes- trian improvements, as well as creating proximate land uses that encourage alternative modes of travel in the activity centers are also important physical recommendations.
C Public Involvement
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