UDO_Adopted Version_July 2024_v35
Article 11: Interpretation and Definitions Section 11.5. Terms and Uses Defined 11.4.3. Illuminated Signs
T EMPORARY F AMILY H EALTH C ARE S TRUCTURE A transportable residential structure that is primarily assembled at a location other than its site of installation and provides an environment facilitating a caregiver's provision of care for a mentally or physically impaired person.
T EMPORARY O FFICE S TRUCTURE A building which may be used to house an office use for a limited period of time.
T EMPORARY P ORTABLE S TORAGE U NIT A transportable unit designed and used primarily for temporary storage of building materials, household goods, personal items, and other materials for use on a limited basis. T EMPORARY R OAD A road constructed temporarily for equipment access to build or replace hydraulic conveyance structures such as bridges, culverts, pipes, or water dependent structures, or to maintain public traffic during construction.
T EMPORARY S IGN See Sign, Temporary.
T EMPORARY U SE A use established for a temporary period of time with the intent to discontinue such use on the expiration of the time period.
T EXT A MENDMENT See Section 2.5.2.
T HOROUGHFARE A thoroughfare shall mean and include all streets on the adopted thoroughfare plan. “Thoroughfare” is also synonymous with the term “Arterial” as used in ASHTO and NCDOT publications. T HROUGH L OT A continuous (through) lot accessible from both of the parallel streets upon which it fronts. (Also referred to as a double-frontage lot.)
T ILT - UP C ONCRETE Concrete that has been cast on the site of installation and raised into place.
T INTED /T EXTURED C ONCRETE M ASONRY U NIT (CMU) A manufactured building unit constructed of concrete.
T IRE C APPING AND R ETREADING Any business where tires are collected, stored, or maintained for the purpose of capping or retreading.
T OBACCO AND / OR HEMP A building, property, or activity, the principal use or purpose of which is the sale of any product that contains tobacco, nicotine, and/or a certain amount of THC. The use includes, but is not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, electronic cigarettes, electronic juice, all other vaping products, Delta 8, Delta 9, other THC products.
Morrisville, NC
July 1, 2024 Page 11-85
Unified Development Ordinance
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