Combined Code_NOV2017
Sec. 58-98. Standing or parking for advertising prohibited. Sec. 58-99. Reserved parking spaces. Sec. 58-100. Taxicabs parked in same block. Sec. 58-101. Stopping, standing or parking prohibited. Sec. 58-102. Moving of vehicles into prohibited area. Sec. 58-103. Vehicles moving from parked positions. Sec. 58-104. Lights on parked vehicles. Sec. 58-105. Vehicles stopping in streets prohibited; exceptions. Secs. 58-106--58-120. Reserved.
Article V. Authorized Modes of Transportation on Sidewalks and Greenways
Sec. 58-121. Purpose. Sec. 58-122. Definitions Sec. 58-123. General Provisions Sec. 58-124. Safety Sec. 58-125. Penalty Violation Sec. 58-126—58-132. Reserved
Article VI. Golf Cart Regulation
Sec. 58-136. Establishment of Golf Cart Ordinance Sec. 58-137. Purpose Sec. 58-138. Authority to Regulate Sec. 28-139. Definition Sec. 28-140. Streets and Roadways Permitted Sec. 58-141. Rules and Regulations Sec. 58-142. Enforcement Sec. 58-143—58-150. Reserved
__________ * Cross References: Heavy trucks prohibited at park facilities, § 38-1; streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 54. State Law References: Motor vehicles, G.S. 20-1 et seq.; powers of local authorities, G.S. 20-169; streets, traffic and parking in municipalities, G.S. 160A-296 et seq. __________
Supp. No. 9
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