Combined Code_NOV2017


Sec. 58-1. Obedience to traffic regulations. No person shall do any act forbidden or fail to perform any act required in this chapter. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-5) Sec. 58-2. Obedience to police. No person shall willfully fail, or refuse, to comply with any lawful order, or direction, by a police officer. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-6) Sec. 58-3. Authority of police in special cases. In the event of a fire or other emergency, or when necessary to expedite traffic or safeguard pedestrians, police officers may direct traffic as conditions may require, notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-7) Sec. 58-4. Firefighters authorized to direct traffic at fires. Members of the fire department, when at the scene of a fire, may direct or assist the police in directing traffic in the immediate vicinity. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-8) __________ * Cross References: Fire prevention and protection, ch. 22. __________ Sec. 58-5. Public employees subject to traffic regulations. Unless otherwise provided in this chapter or by state statutes, the provisions of this chapter shall apply to the driver of any vehicle owned by, or used in the service of, the United States Government, this state, county or town. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-9) __________ * Cross References: Officers and employees, § 2-61 et seq. __________ Sec. 58-6. Persons propelling pushcarts or riding bicycles or animals subject to traffic regulations. Every person propelling any pushcart, or riding a bicycle or an animal, or driving any animal-drawn vehicle upon a roadway shall be subject to the provisions of this chapter applicable to the driver of any vehicle, except those provisions which, by their very nature, can have no


Supp. No. 9

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