Combined Code_NOV2017
A person may operate a vehicle on any street of the town designated as a through highway or state-maintained street, at a rate of speed posted thereon as provided by ordinances of the town with concurring regulations of the state highway commission; provided, that at no time shall the speed be greater than is reasonable and prudent under the conditions then existing or to conform with the state speed laws. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-40) Sec. 58-42. Speed Limits on Town Streets A School Zone is designated, in accordance with the standards published in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, on Treybrooke Drive in the vicinity of Sterling Montessori School and on Town Hall Drive in the vicinity of Cedar Form Elementary School. No person shall operate a vehicle on a Town street in excess of 25 miles per hour unless otherwise posted and provided herein: (a) No person shall operate a vehicle in excess of 20 miles per hour on the following streets: Boxford Road East Seve Court Rock Nest Court Walton’s Creek Road Jeremiah Street (c) No person shall operate a vehicle in excess of 30 miles per hour on the following streets: Creek Park Drive (d) No person shall operate a motor vehicle in excess of 35 miles per hour on the following streets: Airtech Drive Carrington Mill Blvd. Copley Parkway Crabtree Crossing Parkway (north of Morrisville Parkway) Dominion Drive International Drive McCrimmon Parkway Nova Drive Odyssey Drive
Paramount Parkway Parkside Valley Drive Perimeter Park Drive West Slater Road Southcenter Court
Supp. No. 9
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