Combined Code_NOV2017

Southport Drive Town Hall Drive Trans Air Drive Triangle Parkway

Waldron Court Watkins Road (e) No person shall operate a motor vehicle in excess of 25 miles per hour within the following established school zones: Cedar Fork Elementary School Zone on Town Hall Drive Sterling Montessori School Zone on Treybrooke Drive (f) Speed limits set by this ordinance shall not become effective until appropriate signs giving notice thereof are erected upon the streets affected. (Ord. 2003/7-28-03, Ord. 2009-007/2-24-09,) __________ *Cross Reference: School zones § 58-69 __________ Sec. 58-43. Driving on roadways laned for traffic. Every driver of a vehicle on any roadway which has been clearly marked with lanes for traffic, shall drive as nearly as practical entirely within a single lane and shall not move from such lane until he has first determined that such movement can be made with safety. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-42) Sec. 58-44. Driving over fire hose. No person shall drive a vehicle over any hose of the fire department when laid down on any street or driveway, to be used at any fire, without the consent of the fire department official in command. (Ord. of 8-27-79, § 4-43) __________ * State Law References: Similar provisions, G.S. 20-157. __________ Secs. 58-45--58-60. Reserved.


Supp. No. 9

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