DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
INTERSECTION-LEVEL IMPROVEMENTS Recommendations for the future system include improvements to critical intersections and interchanges. These locations were identified due to operational deficiencies and safety concerns. Additional details on intersection improvements will need to be determined through more in-depth safety and traffic analyses as the project progresses to design and construction. Table 3-5 includes the list of intersections recommended for improvement. These recommendations are in addition to those already included as committed improvements. Best Practices: Safety Improvements Enhancing travel safety is an important outcome of any long-range transportation plan. Through consultation with local officials, residents, and Town staff, the Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update identified intersections for safety improvements. Though the ultimate redesign of an intersection will have to be finalized after a detailed study, there are several standard countermeasures to improve safety and operations. These options are listed in Table 3-4 . Table 3-4: Standard Intersection Improvement Countermeasures COUNTERMEASURE DESCRIPTION Realignment Roadways are realigned to meet as close to a 90-degree angle as possible. This improves visibility and turning radius. Signalization Some non-signalized intersections may be eligible for a traffic signal based on their traffic counts. Improved Crossings Often the danger to pedestrians and bicycles can be reduced by providing improved crossing facilities, such as painted crosswalks and median refuges.
Replacing a traditional intersection with a roundabout reduces the number of serious crashes while improving traffic flow. Turn lanes allow space for vehicles waiting to turn and reduces the risk of rear-end crashes. Curb cuts that are too close to an intersection are consolidated or relocated to reduce the number of turning movements or potential crashes. Providing advanced warning signs or installing reflective backplates on traffic signals can reduce crashes due to reduced visibility. RCUT intersections, also sometimes referred to as super street intersections work by redirecting left-turn and through movements from the side street approaches. These movements are accommodated by making a right turn followed by a U-turn maneuver at a median opening downstream. RCUT intersections can improve efficiency and safety of roadways.
Turn Lanes
Driveway Consolidation
Improve/Advance Signage
Restricted Crossing U-Turn Intersection (RCUT)
Table 3-5: Intersection-Level Improvements CORRIDOR
Davis Drive & Morrisville-Carpenter
Intersection Improvements
Davis Drive & Morrisville Parkway
Intersection Improvements
NC 54 & Morrisville Parkway
Intersection Improvements
NC 54 & NW Cary Parkway
Intersection Improvements
Morrisville-Carpenter Road & NC 54
At-Grade Improvements
Morrisville-Carpenter Road & NC 54
Grade Separation
Davis Drive & McCrimmon Pkwy
Intersection Improvements
Airport Boulevard & NC 54 Grade Separation Crabtree Crossing Parkway & Morrisville Parkway Intersection Improvements Slater Road & Carrington Mill Boulevard Intersection Improvements
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