DRAFT Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update: July 23, 2018 version
CONNECTIVITY ENHANCING PROJECTS Expanding Morrisville’s transportation system with an increased number of local and collector streets that connect to other collectors and thoroughfares, in addition to new local to local street connections, will enhance travel for local residents. The Town of Morrisville Comprehensive Transportation Plan Update includes a series of recommendations that are primarily intended to address connectivity improvements. Benefits of Connectivity A more connected network can relay many benefits to local residents. · Improved emergency response time.
· Improved options to avoid congested intersections. · Reduced reliance by local residents on major routes. · Integrated bicycle and pedestrian facilities. · Reduced traffic on existing roadways. Recommended Roadway Extensions
Enhanced connectivity within Town of Morrisville primarily takes the form of roadway extensions. Within these roadway extensions, there are projects that may serve as attractors for future development, connections between existing neighborhoods, or other linkages between currently disconnected areas. Some of these projects may not respond meaningfully to the full roadway prioritization process, simply because they represent smaller connections. Many of these types of projects can be advanced or considered on a policy level, drawing on feedback from the Town’s Planning and Zoning Board and the Town Council. The roadway extensions identified as needing additional granular level study in order to better understand the potential impacts of improvement are identified in Table 3-6 . These recommended improvements were identified as part of the public engagement process, included in the 2009 Transportation Plan, or have existing right-of-way for construction. Table 3-6: Recommended Roadway Extensions STREET NAME STREET HIERARCHY NOTES
1. Crabtree Crossing Parkway will not be extended until the NCDOT project to extend NC 147 is completed. Upon completion of NC 147, further study will need to occur before action is taken by Town Council to consider the project as part of the CIP. 2. Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension is a lower-priority project than the widening of NC 54 in Town. No funds should be allocated to Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension before NC 54. 3. Prior to construction of this extension, the Town will review potential ways to legally limit cut-through traffic (on the section Crabtree Crossing Parkway south of Morrisville Parkway) and messaging on traffic congestion navigation mobile applications, such as Waze. Marcom Drive Extension is envisioned to be constructed by developers as land develops or redevelops in this area., but may be included in the CIP. The Morrisville East Connector is envisioned to be constructed by developers as land develops in this area, but may be included in the CIP. International Drive extension is envisioned to be constructed by developers as land develops in this area, but may be included in the CIP. Southport Drive Extension may be constructed as part of phase two of the McCrimmon Parkway Extension project. If it is not constructed at that time, it will be constructed by developers as land develops in this area. Town Hall Drive extension would provide secondary access to neighborhoods along Church Street between McCrimmon Parkway and NC 540 that currently only have access to one collector street (Church Street). Needs further study before action to determine if a road, greenway, or no connection is warranted. If NC 147 Extension does not happen or if it is determined during the design of NC 147 Extension that a connection cannot be made, the Plan must be amended to remove the connection. Odyssey Drive Extension is envisioned to be constructed by developers as land develops in this area, but may be included in the CIP.
Crabtree Crossing Parkway Extension
Marcom Drive Extension
Morrisville East Connector
International Drive Extension
Southport Drive Extension
Town Hall Drive Extension
Millicent Way Extension
Stockton Gorge Road
Odyssey Drive Extension
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