FY2018 Recommended Budget
increase the quality of the landscaping and meet the upkeep needs associated with the current level of programming in Town parks. This alternative allows the staff to use their higher level of skills where they are needed most and avoids adding additional personnel to support these needs. Recreation Programs: Implementation of one new program at the Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center (MAFC) and expansion of one existing program at Cedar Fork Elementary School. Both programs are offset by anticipated revenues that are also incorporated into the Fiscal Year 2018 budget proposal. Fitness Incentive Programs: Supplies for fitness incentive programs that help recognize and motivate current members, promote the facility, and encourage community participation in programs throughout the year. Items could include, but are not limited to, t-shirts, water bottles, gym bags and other fitness related items. Partnerships to enhance the incentive programs will also be pursued. Counselor-in-Training (CIT) Program: Expand the CIT 10-week summer camp program to provide more opportunities to middle school age youth (6 th to 9 th grade). Last summer, there was a waiting list for the program. Maximizing enrollment helps to meet increasing demand for activities for youth in the middle school age range. Funds will support additional van rental, part-time staffing, field trips and supplies. Social Media Enhancements: Two programmatic enhancements that support expanded social media presence and management. The ability to use automated tools to gather analytics across multiple platforms will improve monitoring, tracking and reporting to support timing and content decisions to maximize effectiveness of the program. A civic engagement platform will augment and diversify current public participation strategies and allow two-way, participation by elected officials and staff to aid in the goal of increasing public trust in governance and town operations, while managing and supporting civil dialogue. These tools focus on providing feedback to constituents without overwhelming them with information, and can be used to share information about real-time incidents and problems (such as transportation or public safety). These platforms include mobile compatibility and can be used independently or with public information sessions. Police Crime Data Management and Reporting: Software/user licenses needed for crime analysis by the Morrisville Police Department (MPD). Data driven/predictive policing is an integral component in crime prevention and reduction. Currently, MPD lacks the necessary software to effectively identiy and address current crime trends within the town. The software will serve as a tool to facility crime mapping for targeted preventive and enforcement activities and enable our residents to track crime within their neighborhoods. Louis Stephens Drive Quarterly Maintenance: Utilize staff time and rental equipment to maintain the portion of Louis Stephens Drive from Polar Pike Lane to Gray Marble Drive, the back entrance/access connector for the Walnut Woods Town Home Community and Breckenridge. This is an NCDOT gravel road, which received limited maintenance. Funds will be used to perform maintenance quarterly to provide a smoother, longer lasting drive surface than what can currently be provided (by NCDOT or the Town) within existing budget resources. Fire Apparatus – Ladder 3: Purchase of the third Quint for Station 3. This is the final quint purchase to achieve the apparatus levels required in the Quint Plan and coincides with replacing the Station 3 that has come to the end of its useful life cycle . The vehicle is custom designed and built to meet Town of Morrisville specifications and can take a year or more to build and deliver. Future quints requests will be replacements of vehicles at the end of their life, on a vehicle replacement schedule. Vehicle Replacements: Replacement of vehicles that will be retired because they have reached the Town’s vehicle replacement criteria. Scheduled purchases include police and fire vehicles, and capital projects management. Replacement cost also includes the upfit/installation of special equipment such as lights, sirens, and necessary computer equipment. TOTAL Onetime or Capital Impacts (Non-Routine)
13,200 -13,200 Offset by Program Revenues
Town Manager Requests
1,171,000 -1,171,000 Offset by Capital Reserve Transfer
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