FY2018 Recommended Budget
Enterprise System Project: Purchase a product that contains the required core modules and meets the identified critical needs to replace the current SunGuard system, as determined through internal needs analysis, workflow mapping and shared processes. Requests for quotes are anticipated in the summer of 2017 to accelerate the selection of a preferred vendor and begin implementation. The budget appropriation represents a maximum allocation that may be necessary (in tandem with resources available from previous appropriations) as well as contracted project management. Road Paving Projects: Proactive road maintenance to maintain acceptable levels of road condition and reduce the percentage of deficiencies. This allocation adds to the available Powell Bill funds to accelerate the amount of annual roadwork. MAFC Stream Restoration: Restoration of the stream and riparian buffer at the Morrisville Aquatics and Fitness Center site, including the repairs of a wall/patio that currently has the potential to fall into the stream. The project will include enhancing the existing riparian buffer, stabilizing the stream banks, restoring the buffer, removing invasive vegetation, and replacing an existing failing storm drain outfall from the parking lot in alignment with MAFC facility enhancements. This project will be paid for by the Stormwater Fund and using existing nutrient funds collected in prior years. Debt Financing Costs (Legal & Financial Advisors): Bond counsel and financial advisors fees related to issuance of the remaining 2012 voter approved Street Improvement Bonds and for financing of the Town’s portion of the Morrisville-Carpenter Road project. Land Use Plan Update: Comprehensive update to the 2009 Land Use Plan due to population growth, changes in development patterns, and the McCrimmon Parkway Extension Project. Key tasks include documentation demographic and socio-economic trends, collecting updated information on stakeholder land use needs and desires, and preparing a more detailed analysis of key areas of the Town, such as Wake Tech, McCrimmon Extension and Town Center. This is a multi-year project. It will include analysis and public outreach in FY2018 prior to plan development. Future revisions of the zoning map and UDO based on any revised land use designations will follow. An update of the Land Use Plan is scheduled for the next fiscal year. Computer Hardware Replacements: Annual hardware refresh plan, including replacing of 1 SAN for the Disaster Recovery site, laptops and vehicle modems for the Fire Department, and battery backup units. The most significant component of this year’s refresh plan is replacement of the Town Council Chamber projector. Town Building Maintenance/Repairs: Allocation of funds to support the needs of aging infrastructure to maintain quality fixed assets, and meet the needs of customers. Town Hall: Painting of exterior trim and conversion of exterior lights to LED. It has been eight years since the exterior trim was painted. The paint is starting to fade and chip off, exposing wood in some places. Conversion of old, metal halide lights to LED will save electricity and require less frequent maintenance. Public Safety Building : Modifications to the lobby area of Development Services to address temperature and lighting deficiencies and enhance the customer service experience. This will include the elimination of the glass enclosed staff area to establish an open environment and the development of a work area for customers to conduct business or meet with staff. This modification will enhance staff abilities to examine drawings and handle other permit-related activities. Proposed improvements will also aid in energy conservation. Fire Station #2: Replacement of four non-functional ventilation fans in the bay of the facility and carpet replacement. The current residential-style ventilation fans are inadequate because of the height of the ceiling. They are undersized and not made to handle this volume of air. Carpet at Fire Station #2 is torn and worn through to the floor. Carpet installed in the building in 1997 has never been replaced. Public Works Garage: Replace the vapor barrier on the interior walls of the Fleet Shop that is torn, causing insulation to fall out into the garage work area. A damaged window will also be repaired. HVAC Replacement: Proactive maintenance and replacement planning for up to four HVAC units at various facilities.
250,000 -210,000 Offset by SW Fund Balance
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