OTHER FUTURE RECURRING BASE BUDGET INFLUENCES In addition to the long-range staff forecast, there are several other significant projects and programs that will heavily impact future recurring operating budgets. As Town Council considers these strategic priorities, resources to support ongoing costs will be an essential part of future budget development and discussion. Key topics include:
Affordable Housing: Work on the second phase of the affordable housing study to identify strategies and related fundings commitments will begin in earnest in the next few months and will be better known as we approach development of the FY 2024 operating budget. Costs could be significant and ongoing to support the goals expressed by Town Council.
Smart Shuttle Expansion: The success of the Smart Shuttle launch has triggered discussions of expanding service, especially on Saturdays. While ridership is healthy, it is not growing significantly, and at approximately $100 per hour of service, costs could escalate quickly. Town Council should consider developing some goals for growth in ridership (both individual riders and trips) to reduce the $25 per ride current cost.
Space Needs: The Town is out of space for staff needs and continues to juggle meeting rooms availability. The commitment to leased space will only grow if we do not identify permanent locations to house staff.
Sustainability/Smart City Programs: These important programs are currently absorbing one-half million dollars of costs, excluding staff. Desires for continued program expansion will need to be incorporated into base budget allocations.
Morrisville is strong and stable , and at a crossroads formajor discussions about our future path. Staff looks forward to talking with Town Council as we proceed towards budget adoption.
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