Budgetary Priorities Summary (Adopted) Note: Connect Morrisville Strategic Plan alignment is provided for the current Strategic Plan Objectives. Town Council is in the process of reviewing and revising those elements and language within those elements may be modified when the plan is updated. Strategic Plan Goal alignment remains the same.

Connect Morrisville Strategic Plan Goal and Objective Alignment Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.2: Commitment to professionalism and employee engagement

Adopted Requests

Operating Impacts (Routine or Recurring Annually)

Assistant Town Manager: Addition of a second Assistant Town Manager to allow for enhanced strategic alignment of functions and workload and increased focus on overall organizational and Town Council goals, priorities, and objectives. Stormwater Engineer: Addition of a second Stormwater Engineer to aid in meeting the increased workload demands due to new state mandated stormwater program requirements and Capital Investment Plan (CIP) management. The position will allow Stormwater to start performing infrastructure condition assessments and update the GIS inventory map more frequently. Merit/Market Adjustments: Proposed merit salary adjustments based on FY2022 performance evaluation ratings. The proposed budget allocation for merit pay provides for a 2%market adjustment for all full-time and 30-hour regular employees and a tiered merit increase of 3%, 4.5% and 6% for meets, exceeds, and far exceeds expectations, respectively. The merit plan is the same structure as used for FY 2021. Adjustments for job classification review recommendations and adjustments to the pay plan are included in this amount. Health Insurance Costs: Increased cost of medical and dental insurance premiums for employees and their dependents. Overall cost increase for FY2023 is 5% over current fiscal year costs. Local Government Employee Retirement System Contributions: North Carolina Department of State Treasurer mandated increases in employer contributions to the state employees’ retirement plan.


Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.2: Commitment to professionalism and employee engagement


Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.2: Commitment to professionalism and employee engagement


Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.2: Commitment to professionalism and employee engagement Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.2: Commitment to professionalism and employee engagement




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