Material Base Budget Adjustments: Significant inflationary and operational cost adjustments beyond anticipated base budget projections, including insurance, various service agreements, fuel, new facilities maintenance, parks and recreation programmatic supplies, and expanded paving and repairs from Powell Bill increases. Public Works Contracted Service Increases: Funding for the expansion of Town service contracts due to growth or enhanced services beyond regularly anticipated inflationary adjustments. Additional contract costs include solid waste, cricket field maintenance, traffic signal maintenance, tree maintenance, purchased property maintenance, and litter program expansion. Smart Shuttle Operations Costs: Additional annual operating costs for Smart Shuttle operations for a full year of service and established operating costs. One half of the total annual costs ($124,600 including node construction) are covered by anticipated Wake Transit CFAP Revenue.
Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services
Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services
Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.1 Explore, evaluate, and enhance available mobility options Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services Goal 2: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods/Obj 2.3 Ensure responsible, sustainable development and redevelopment, reviewing and considering guidance in Town policies/plans Goal 4: Public Safety Readiness/Obj 4.1 Be operationally ready to meet public safety service demands of the community and staff Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services
Sustainability Master Plan Support: Increased base budget allocation (to $150,000) to support recurring cost Master Sustainability Plan initiatives and programs.
Equipment Leases: Lease costs for Information Technology Hardware and Police Department Tasers.
Property Rental Increases: Addition of lease costs for Budget Department staff at the Morrisville Chamber of Commerce Building and Senior Center lease payment adjustments.
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