Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.3: Leverage the use of technology to enhance efficiency, productivity, and service delivery Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services
Miscellaneous Software Technologies: Annual license costs for software packages to support efficient and effective work related to Smart City Initiatives and Inspections Department Permit Management. Grant Assistance Program: Pro rata program cost share for Triangle J Council of Government regional comprehensive grant assistance services.
Connect Morrisville Strategic Plan Goal and Objective Alignment
Adopted Requests
Onetime Operating or Capital Impacts (Non-Routine)
Motorola Radio Replacement: Replacement of all radios for Fire, Police and Public Works. Request includes handheld portable radios, vehicle installed radios and repeaters for tactical and operation performance. Existing radios are first generation and support for them has been discontinued. This universal approach to purchasing radios will meet the NC and Wake County TDMA compliance requirements to operate on the state’s VIPER network and access Cary and Wake Country radio communications systems.
Goal 4: Public Safety Readiness/Obj 4.1 Be operationally ready to meet public safety service demands of the community and staff Goal 3: Engaged, Inclusive Community/Obj 3.1 Validate community interests/desires/needs; Obj 3.2 Offer events and programs that meet the needs and interests of the community Goal 3: Engaged, Inclusive Community/Obj 3.1 Validate community interests/desires/needs; Obj 3.2 Offer events and programs that meet the needs and interests of the community Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.2 Collaborate with other government entities and private sector to support development of
Dog Park Design/Construction: Estimated design and construction costs for a dog park.
Shiloh Park Basketball Court: Estimated renovation/construction costs for existing Shiloh Park basketball court.
International Drive Extension: Contribution of environmental mitigation/permitting costs to complete full connection on International Drive.
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