transportation infrastructure and related plans Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services Goal 2: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods/Obj 2.3 Ensure responsible, sustainable development and redevelopment, reviewing and considering guidance in Town policies/plans Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.3: Explore, evaluate, and enhance available mobility options Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.3: Explore and evaluate traffic management options Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.3: Leverage the use of technology to enhance efficiency, productivity, and service delivery Goal 2: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods/Obj 2.2 Utilize components within Town guiding documents to plan and provide for current/future infrastructure Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services

Vehicle Replacements: Projected replacement of vehicles that could be retired because they meet the Town’s updated and revised vehicle replacement policy guidelines.


Stormwater Phase 1 Master Plan Projects: Design and initial construction funding for first three prioritized areas of concern in the Stormwater Master Plan.


Sidewalk Improvements Design: Design of prioritized sidewalks in advance of future construction when FY 2024 bond funding is available.


Intersection Improvements: Phase 1 improvements and design for future project shovel- ready preparedness.


Smart City Initiatives: Multiple Smart City Initiatives as outlined in the Smart Morrisville strategic plan.


Facility Needs: Essential facility needs, including MAFC elevator and safety lights, Church Street Park shed, various roof repairs and Town Hall exterior maintenance.



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