Goal 3: Engaged, Inclusive Community/Obj 3.1: Validate community interests/desires/needs Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.1: Enhance community-facing programs and services Goal 2: Thriving, Livable Neighborhoods/Obj 2.3 Ensure responsible, sustainable development and redevelopment, reviewing and considering guidance in Town policies/plans Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.1: Explore, evaluate, and enhance available mobility options Goal 5: Operational Excellence/Obj 5.3 Leverage the use of technology to enhance efficiency, productivity, and service delivery Goal 1: Improved Transportation Mobility/Obj 1.1: Explore, evaluate, and enhance available mobility options Goal 3: Engaged, Inclusive Community/Obj 3.1: Validate community interests/desires/needs
Bond Issuance Costs: Financial advisors, bond counsel, Local Government Commission (LGC) and credit rating fees related to Phase 2 bond sale and issuance planned in FY 2024.
Sustainability Initiatives: Sustainability initiatives as outlined in draft Master Sustainability Plan.
Public Works Safety Initiatives: Improved safety in parks and on greenways through asphalt repairs on greenways, pedestrian bridge repairs, fence installation at Northwest Park, and implementation of the ADA transition plan required by the state and local government. Information Technology Needs: Annual hardware replacement, backup system replacement, and Police Department interrogation room equipment and installation .
Smart Shuttle Bus Node Construction: Node construction and upfit of existing nodes. This is Year two of a 5-year node construction plan.
Equipment Replacements: Trash Can/Recycle containers throughout Town and MAFC fitness equipment replacement.
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