Land Use Plan
The McCrimmon Extension Subarea Plan establishes an approach to growth that more directly addresses community needs. This differs from the current pattern of exclusively industrial development in the subarea and offers a greater diversity of uses. These uses could complement the Wake Competition Center and potentially provide workforce and affordable housing options in Morris- ville. However, it should be noted that the increased diversity of uses can only be achieved by amending the Unified Develop - ment Ordinance’s Airport Noise Overlay. Combined with appropriate light industrial and office growth, the land use program enables a balanced activation of the subarea to provide the greatest benefit to the Town of Morrisville. This programming can be further enhanced by specific design standards which will ensure this corridor develops in a way that builds upon the community’s image and identity. McCrimmon Extension Subarea P l an
70 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 6 – Subarea Plans
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