Land Use Plan
P a r k D r
TOD East Subarea
T r a
n s A
i r D r
Land Use Program Multi-family Includes dispersed multi-family intended to further diversify residential options within the community and potentially provide workforce, affordable, and live work housing options within close proximity to corporate offices and other employers. Multi-family buildings along McCrimmon Parkway should have commercial and services on the ground- floor with residential uses in the upper floors. The use of structured parking is encouraged to minimize expansive surface parking lots. Commercial Includes opportunities for commercial investment on highly-visible properties along primary thoroughfares. Development should feature retail and service businesses, restaurants, and entertainment uses that offer commercial options and support activity within the subarea. In particular, commer- cial development should provide options for multi-family residents and reinforce the Wake Competition Center as an activity generator and destination within the Town. Development should encourage multiple uses integrated into a project. The use of structured parking is encouraged to minimize expansive surface parking lots.
P e r i m e t e r
Commercial & Office Includes opportunities for commercial and flexible office development near primary thoroughfares. This will support retail, service, and entertainment uses as well as large-scale corporate offices on unified campuses. Development should encourage multiple uses integrated into a project. Industrial & Office Includes light and heavy industrial, ware- housing and distribution, and professional offices, intended to support build out of adjacent industrial areas. Considerations should be given to building location and design, intensity of uses, landscaping, and other improvements to limit impacts to other uses uses within the area. This area is ideal for small-scale fabrication uses that have minimal noise and environmental impacts. Specifically, heavy industrial operations should be situated in less visible areas. The use of structured parking is encouraged to minimize expansive surface parking lots. Corporate Office Includes an opportunity for large-scale office investment, intended to support develop- ment of corporate offices or a unified campus. Considerations should be given to the design of the entire site, landscaping, and relation to adjacent uses. The use of structured parking is encouraged to minimize expansive surface parking lots.
Office & Multi-Family Includes opportunity for either professional office or multi-family residential development. This will be dependent upon growth and long-termdevelopment of adjacent properties within the subarea. Multi-family and office uses are dispersed throughout to avoid the clustering of onemassive single use area along McCrimmon Parkway. These uses are critical to ensuring that Morrisville is able to attract major employers, retain a talentedworkforce, and potentially implement workforce housing. The use of structured parking is encouraged to minimize expansive surface parking lots. Sports Complex Includes the Wake Competition Center and provides for appropriate growth related to this development. As a valuable amenity for the community, this use should be well connected to the surrounding area. Open Space Includes land that should be maintained as open space, intended to protect environ- mental features and act as a buffer between incompatible uses. This includes the creek that runs through the study area and adja- cent land, intended to form a stretch of green space extending fromAviation Parkway to Airport Boulevard. This green space could be enhanced with a trail network to support accessibility and recreation within the area. This does not include green space that is integrated into individual development projects such as landscaping and buffers. New development should include dedicated, usable green space as part of the overall design.
McCrimmon Pkwy
Wake Competition Center
McCrimmon Pkwy
Sou t
o r t D r
McCrimmon Extension
Proposed/Planned Roadways
Multi-Family Commercial Lodging
Industrial & Office Corporate Office Sports Complex Open Space
Aviation Pkwy
Note: The subarea visualization is meant for conceptual purposes only
71 Morrisville Land Use Plan | Chapter 6 – Subarea Plans
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