Morrisville Code of Ordinances - publishing_20231101



Sec. 54-81. Definitions

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:

(1) Homeowners Association (HOA): means an association of property owners for a residential subdivision, condominium, cooperative, town home project, or other project involving residential dwellings.


NCDOT – the North Carolina Department of Transportation.

(3) Non-standard or Decorative Street Lighting: Any streetlight other than a 105 Roadway LED lamp fixture and fiberglass pole or one that does not conform with sections 5.15.6 of the UDO.

(4) Property Owners Association (POA): means an association or organization, whether or not incorporated, which operates under and pursuant to recorded covenants or deed restrictions, through which each owner of a portion of a subdivision-be it a lot, parcel site, unit plot, condominium, or any other interest-is automatically a member as a condition of ownership and each such member is subject to a charge or assessment for a pro-rated share of expense of the association which may become a lien against the lot, parcel, unit, condominium, or other interest of the member.

(5) Standard Street Lighting: A 105 Roadway LED lamp fixture and fiberglass pole installed in accordance with sections 5.15.6 of the UDO.

(6) Streetlight: a light mounted on a pole and constituting one of a series spaced at intervals along a street or highway. For this policy, the term streetlight includes the light fixture, mounting pole, and hardware.

(7) Town-maintained street: A public right-of-way built to town standards that has been dedicated to and accepted by the Town of Morrisville for maintenance.

(8) UDO- The current Unified Development Ordinance adopted by the Morrisville Town Council. (Ord. No. 2023-6-0, 3-14-23)

Sec. 54-82. Purpose and intent

(1) This policy sets the procedure and requirements for installation or removal of street lighting and the Town’s reimbursement to Home/Property Owners Associations, developers, or property owners for non - standard street lighting on public streets within the town limits.

(2) The Town’s Unified Development Ordinance (UDO) section 5.15.6 sets the requirements and standards for street lighting along streets in the Town. The UDO allows for the use of non-standard (decorative)


Supp. No. 10

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