Morrisville Code of Ordinances - publishing_20231101

street lighting.

(3) A private utility company owns and maintains street lighting and submits monthly billing to the responsible party based on the types and number of lights. The Town pays the full monthly maintenance cost to the private utility company for standard street lighting on town-maintained streets. For developments with non- standard (i.e. decorative) street lighting, the development pays the full monthly cost to the utility company. (4) The Town may agree to reimburse entities for the cost of standard street lighting where non- standard street lighting has been installed on town-maintained streets after execution of a Streetlight Reimbursement Agreement (see section 54-84). (Ord. No. 2023-6-0, 3-14-23)

Sec. 54-83. Street light payments


Street Lighting Payment


Town-maintained streets

1) Payment of monthly billing for standard street lighting installed in accordance with the UDO, may be paid entirely by the Town.

2) In areas specifically designated by the Town Council, monthly billing for standard or non-standard street lighting shall be paid entirely by the Town.

3) Payment of monthly billing for non-standard street lighting shall be paid entirely by the Home/Property Owners Association or property owner.


Private Streets

1) Payment of monthly billing for street lighting on private streets shall be paid entirely by the private street owner.


NCDOT Streets


Street lighting on NCDOT streets will be considered the same as Town maintained streets for payment and reimbursement purposes.

(Ord. No. 2023-6-0, 3-14-23)

Sec. 54-84. Street light cost reimbursement


Street Lighting Reimbursement Standards


Town-maintained streets

1) The Town may reimburse entities at the rate of a standard streetlight for each non- standard streetlight installed in accordance with the UDO. The Town will not


Supp. No. 10

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