Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
6.1 Shiloh, cont’d
Figure 6.2 Superfund Site Redevelopment Illustration
The plan below shows a possible future evolution of the Superfund site at the intersection of NC 54 and the future McCrimmon Park- way extension. Features of this potential future plan include:
• The elevated extension of McCrimmon Parkway over NC 54 and the Railroad. • A future commuter railroad station on the site, with eventual mixed use transit-focused development clustering around the sta- tion area • The extension of a curb-guided bus link to the site, along with inter- modal connections to rail and local bus transit • Connections from the site to Church street and existing and future development sites in the area.
Existing site
6.2 Morrisville West The western area of Morrisville includes concentrations of residential neighborhoods along the Town Hall Drive, Church Street, and Morrisville-Carpenter Road corridors, with retail lo- cated at major intersections along Davis Drive. Substantial new residential development in the Cary jurisdiction around Twin Lakes, which is nearly surrounded by Morrisville, along with the potential for business development in the large undeveloped tracts in Research Triangle Park north of McCrimmon Parkway, have the potential to affect this portion of Morrisville. Indian Creek Greenway is under construction along Town Hall Drive, with future connections expected to the north at Providence Place. Most of this area is built out, ex- cept for a substantial undeveloped area at Town Hall Commons. Town Hall Commons has been designated as a Business Activity Center including office and neighborhood retail uses, near the intersection of Town Hall Drive and McCrimmon Parkway. There is some un- developed land and redevelopment potential along the east side of Church Street south of McCrimmon Parkway, and the Town has recently decided to allow residential develop- ment in this area although it is in the RDU Airport Noise Overlay Area. Church Street is planned to be a two-lane boulevard with planted median, bike lanes and sidewalks (Figure 6.3), except south of Jeremiah Street in the Town Center and north of Mc- Crimmon Parkway, where the road will narrow to avoid impacts to existing development. Morrisville-Carpenter Road and McCrimmon Parkway are both planned to be four-lane boulevards with planted medians, bike lanes and multi-use paths (Figure 6.4). Town Hall Drive is planned to be re-striped for bike lanes. Davis Drive is currently being widened to four lanes, with plans to eventually be six lanes with a wide outside lane for cyclists and multi-use paths along both sides. Old Maynard Road will be renamed Louis Stephens Drive and connected to RTP, providing a north-south corridor. The southern portion of Triangle Parkway, discussed in greater detail in the Transportation Plan, is planned to be a four-lane boulevard connection to the four-lane expressway portion north of NC 540 (expected to be complete by 2012; the southern portion has not received any funding as yet). The completion of the Airport Boulevard extension from NC 54 west to Davis Drive, with a grade separation at NC 54, will also provide additional transportation connections in this area.
6 Community Areas
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