Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
6.2 Morrisville West, cont’d
Figure 6.3 Church Street Streetscape Illustration
The image below highlights the transformation of Church Street to a more attractive and safe, pedestrian-oriented, local road, similar to Town Hall Drive to the west. The images show the recommendation for this street to be a two-lane boulevard with a planted median and multi-use paths on both sides. Over time, residential development fills in, bringing more vitality to the corridor. Note: The montage reflects the community’s desire for landscap- ing. However, NCDOT currently typically requires a median of at least 16’ in width in order to landscape with small trees.
Existing roadway
Figure 6.4 Morrisville-Carpenter Road Streetscape Illustration The future vision of Morrisville-Carpenter Road respects the existing resi- dential character of the area. Through gradual future upgrades, Morris- ville-Carpenter Road becomes a four-lane median-divided facility with sidewalks and bike lanes on both sides of the road. The planted median separates opposing lanes of traffic and reduces the crossing distance from the curb to allow pedestrians to cross a shorter roadway width.
Existing roadway
6 Community Areas
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