Morrisville Land Use Plan 2009
7.0 A ction I tems , cont ’ d
Action Items
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014- 2035
3.13 Update Zoning Ordinance Regarding Connectivity Between Sites for Cross-Access Easements. Cross-access allows much shorter and more feasible walking trips, helping to provide alternatives to traffic congestion for many shopping and recreational activities. Address as part of UDO.
Related Policies: 3B, 3E, 3F, 3G Estimated Cost: 40 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department
Year One Goals/Activities : Complete the zoning ordinance revision Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Adopt the zoning ordinance revision requiring cross-access easements to adjacent properties and pedestrian/bikeways by the end of 2012 3.14 Identify Funding Sources for Roadway
Related Policies: 3G, 4A Estimated Cost: 120 hours of staff time annually Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning, Finance and Engineering Departments
Improvements. The Town has planned for future budget allocations for roadway improvements. Staff should also work with NCDOT and developers to facilitate planned roadway improvements and leverage local funds with public and private financing.
Year One Goals/Activities : Identify funding opportunities through various mechanisms (TIF, public- private developer agreements, etc.) and create internal policies to streamline and promote partnering opportunities Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Identify funding opportunities through various mechanisms (TIF, public- private developer agreements, etc.) and create internal policies to streamline and promote partnering opportunities Performance Measures: (1) Adopt policies by 2012; and (2) Implement and promote partnering arrangements with NCDOT and private development interests
3.15 Create an Access Management Policy. Each additional driveway and cross-street increases the number of opportunities for vehicles to enter and exit the main traffic stream, producing conflict points and the potential for accidents. Access management limits these opportunities and decreases the number of accidents.
Related Policies: 1A, 2D, 3A, 3B, 3E, 3F Estimated Cost: 240 hours of staff time Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning and Engineering Departments
Year One Goals/Activities : Research access management policies Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Develop access management policy and adoption by Boards for specified roadways Performance Measures: (1) Create draft access management policy in 2011; and (2) Adopt policy/overlay districts by mid-2012 Related Policies: 1A, 3E, 3F, 3G Estimated Cost: 240 staff hours Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning and Public Works Departments Year One Goals/Activities : Explore opportunities to create a revolving tax fund to create sidewalk improvements Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Explore opportunities to create a revolving tax fund to create sidewalk improvements Performance Measures: Provide for 8 gap projects / 0.5 miles of sidewalk construction annually beginning in 2012. 3.17 Create a Small Area Plan for the Planned 3.16 Explore Potential Solutions to Connect Gaps in Sidewalk. Possibilities include lobbying the state legislature to allow creation of special taxing district to connect sidewalks in advance of development.
Related Policies: 1A, 1B, 3B, 3E, 3F Estimated Cost: $75,000 (Preliminary Design fee) Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Engineering Department
McCrimmon @ NC 54 Grade Separation Alignment. The ramp system and overpass will require additional engineering to refine the design of this area, making sure to accommodate the proposed cross-section of NC 54, cyclists, and pedestrians as well as the number of motor vehicles passing through this interchange. Related to Item 1.5, could be conducted at the same time.
Year One Goals/Activities : Develop scope of services; retain consulting firm; complete preliminary design Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: None Performance Measures: Completion of preliminary roadway design by end of 2012
3.18 Continue to work with Triangle Transit and the North Carolina Railroad Company to Support Passenger Rail Service. Potential station locations are identified at McCrimmon Parkway, Aviation Parkway, or Cary Parkway. Land use considerations must account for the fact that this line occasionally carries hazardous waste and AMTRAK service, and is planned to carry high-speed rail service at some point in the future.
Related Policies: 1A, 5A-F Estimated Cost: 100 hours of staff time/ year Lead Agency(ies): Morrisville Planning Department in cooperation with Triangle Transit and the NCRR company
Year One Goals/Activities : Initiate coordination Year 2-5 Goals/Activities: Continue coordination efforts Performance Measures: (1) Regular communication and information sharing with Triangle Transit and NCRR partners; (2) Reporting to Morrisville Boards semi-annually on progress
7 Action Items
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